Web of leads or...lies?

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After a long drive, and drive back. Mr.Nakayama picked up Mr.Miyuki and had given him a change of clothes.

"So you remember nothing?" Mr.Nakayama asked

"No, not a single bit. I remember dropping her off after bringing her in on am investigation, and then...nothing." Mr.Miyuki said, Mr.Nakayama sniffed him a bit.

"What are you doing???" Mr.Miyuki said as he leaned away a bit.

"You smell like saki, you were drinking?" Mr.Nakayama said as he looked at him a bit as he was driving. Mr.Miyuki looked at Mr.Nakayama and then sniffed himself, he reeled away in disgust.

"Eww, why do I- Theres no way I could have drank enough for this to happen...I haven't drank in a while too. Geez, what did I do?" Mr.Miyuki said as he looked out the window. Mr.Nakayama looked at him and then back to the road.

"So I have some leads, I went to the headmaster's office. The one at Sawa High, apparently he and the trickster have been in touch." Mr.Nakayama said

"At least that's what I thought. Then I looked into something else, something in his room. Here." Mr.Nakayama said as he stopped for a moment along the long road back, he then reached behind his chair and gave him a folder. Mr.Miyuki grabbed did and opened it.

"Those are some of the files I came to find on Mr.Uchida's desk." Mr.Nakayama said as he drove the car to the side of the road and parked it. Mr.Miyuki then began to read the printed messages. After a couple of hours of reading and deciphering them, Mr.Miyuki set them in his lap and thought for a moment.

"Those messages, they're from the Hospital. Swan River General Hospital. They come from an associate speaking on behalf of someone named him.

They're asking to take care of the new student in school. The file attached to it providing information and even some private information about this person.

Mr.Uchida knew what was coming. That email was sent 3 and a half years ago. Meaning that we need to check the list of students who came and entered into this school that year." Mr.Nakayama said as he and Mr.Miyuki returned back into the main highway, taking them back to the city close to Ushin.

Mr.Miyuki took a deep breath, he then leaned back as his brain attempted to remember what it may be that got him on that beach, but nothing appeared.

He couldn't remember anything. He let out a disappointed sigh and then looked at Mr.Nakayama.

"Anything about Mr.Otsuka? Or is he still insane?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"...Forensics say he was heavily drugged, the white rabbit induced seizures and sleep paralysis." Mr.Nakayama said as he stopped in traffic.

"Through the drugs?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"No. Through some form of psychological means." Mr.Nakayama said as he leaned on his window. Mr.Miyuki didn't understand as he looked at the folders and then to Mr.Nakayama again.

"But how? That would mean he has to be a-"

"Expert at neurology and psychology. I know trust me. Forensics told me. They couldn't get anything else from just seeing him, but I think I know just the woman who can help us." Mr.Nakayama said

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