The Machine vs the Trickster, part 2

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Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki drove around Ginza and saw nearly hundreds of police cars all over the place. Every corner had a paramedics team rolling someone or a set of people out. Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki stopped outside of a noodle restaurant, to which also had forensics and paramedics there.

"My god, do you-"

"Yea, no doubt about it. Its him." Mr.Nakayama said as he walked along the scene, thats when a officer would run over to him.

"Sir! You're going to want to see this." Said an officer that lead Mr.Nakayama and Miyuki into the restaurant.

All the way across Ginza, Kibe was sitting at a park bench. His hands holding a petal of grass.

"Mr.Nakayama, so you've received my message or better to say...

The message of the Trickster." Kibe said as Mr.Nakayama and Mr.Miyuki walked into the bathroom of the restaurant and would find a large written symbol of a king chess piece, it was on bathroom mirror. Mr.Miyuki looked at it puzzled.

Mr.Nakayama just stared at it and then turned to the officer.

"Report." He said

"Other officers and forensics are showing the same thing. Its the trickster, he wants us to know its him.

Every place is showing the same symbol." Said the officer

"Its him Nakayama, he wants us to see this, but why?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"...Its a diversion, to take our sights away from any other places of interest. Officer! Tell all men on duty in Ginza to go and search any remote or deserted areas.

The trickster is plotting here and he wants to take our attention away from whatever it is." Mr.Nakayama said

Kibe was breaking a nut as he then fed it to the squirrels.

"You're ability to overthink and anticipate the actions of others will be what leads you from me. You will be driven to pursue the most obvious goal, you've gotten pushback haven't you?

From your peers, you've avoided kidnappings, thefts, murders and even those you feel resemble the one you hate the most. All in an attempt to catch the white rabbit. In doing so, you've shown people your willing to go out on anything to pursue a case that everyone deems. Unreasonable to follow. Now you have no other choice, pick the path of public delusion or go towards the most obvious case. There's nothing wrong with simplicity, detective.

All you'd miss are a few sparkles of fireworks, a few flickers of the human soul as they're sparks dropped into the lake below.

Though if you were to choose to go on a whim, assume this was all still the white rabbit's doing. How could you prove it? Like how you did the letter with Mr.Miyuki? A man who had dranken himself so bad that it'd result in him waking up half way across Japan." Kibe thought as he got out a piece of paper and began to make some origami. He was making a crane as he looked towards a man wearing a overcoat and smoking a cigarette, he had dark hair and blue eyes. His hair was combed back, he was sitting on another bench only a few fer away from Kibe. He had a few guys sitting with him too, Kibe's eyes looked to them for a moment before he stopped a kid getting ready pass him.

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