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# You do not have enough information to panic about that yet.

# Relationships are reciprocal, not transactional.

# If you are considering something drastic, also consider things that are less drastic than that.

If you are considering suicide, consider quitting. If you are considering failing, consider just failing and continuing anyway.

# It is not my responsibility to create or maintain harmony in the lives of those I care about.

# Accept and explore what it means to be a failure and to have failed.What does the failure mean for me?

# Don't allow others to consume you. If they don't call, go to sleep. If they are distant and refuse to tell you what's wrong, go home and do something nice. You live for yourself first. They are secondary.

# Every few weeks I have to relearn how to exist. To sit in the sun and dress in clothes that feel good and move my body and eat vegetables and talk to my friends.

# I am okay with falling off the wagon. Accessing a good state of mind is an active process that you have to repeat over and over and it is okay.

# Too much self reflection is not a good thing honestly. Go outside and cook yourself a meal and clean your room and take a hot shower. Then you won't care so much.

# Many of my fears are just inadvertently gifted to me by other people  because they didn't actually figure out how to stop being so scared of it themselves. It's good to take whatever they dish out  and hold it at arm's length for a few moments.

A lot of grown people are more scared than they let on and will try to pass it off as wisdom. U can just say, no thank you.

# No one tells you how much of life takes practice. Not just writing and singing and painting, but how to make friends, how to be a good friend, a good sibling, a good person. Learning to recognise your right to rage and how to offer mercy. So much of life is a muscle memory and there are so many more parts of ourselves to flex and stretch and strengthen than those taught in anatomy lessons.

# A change in perspective is necessary for understanding what's perplexing you.

# Healing happens in the small, private, unglamourous moments the outside world will probably never see.

# You are not defined by the people you have lost.

# You can't save people. The most you can do is try to understand them. The most you can do is let them be themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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