The Little Paris Bookshop

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- Nina George

# I need to cry some more. I'll drown if I don't.

# With all due respect, what you read is more important in the long run than the man you marry.

# What is wrong with old? Age is not a disease.

# I've often wondered why people don't write more about living. Anyone can die. But living?

# 'So, how stupid am I?'
'Not very.'

# But it wouldn't go away. The damn missing simply wouldn't go away.

# I miss you. I miss myself. I no longer know who I am.

# Love may come and go. But the caring goes on.

# It's amazing how unimpressed people are by being loved when it doesn't fit their plans. Love irks them so much that they change the locks or leave without warning.

# If someone left you, you had to answer with silence. You weren't allowed to give the person leaving anything else.

# Not bad is good enough.

# There are obviously several other ways to ruin your life.

# 'So what made you do it anyway?'
'What do you mean?'
'I mean sending your life up in flames.'

# Small love. Big love. Wasn't it terrible that love came in several sizes?

# How could you kill yourself like that?
Yes, how could he? Practice. That's how.

# Farewell to a long expired life.

# I want you to ring us. Even if you're fine, or don't know how to poach an egg, or if you're bored and tempted to jump out of a window to feel real again. (I feel that urge so often)

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