Lock and Key

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# 'And the rest is history,' I said.
'Nah,' he shook his head. 'The rest is now.'

#Leaving is easy. It's everything else that's so damn hard.

I just loved this story. I finished it in one night actually, 11- 4:0, because I didn't want to keep it down. And as usual, I loved one of the guys from the book. But unlike usual, it was the brother in law, Jamie. He's the kind of guy everyone loves. Just so nice. So much that Ruby, the protagonist, admitted that it's worse that he's disappointed than if he hated her. And the best thing about the book was that it was based on family. Not romance not action, not adventure , not fantasy. Which is rare. And it's amazing. After reading five of her books, Sarah Dessen is now one of my favourite authors.

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