Legion/Skin Deep

22 5 1

- Brandon Sanderson

# "You call this a normal life?"
"Works well enough for me. "

# J. C was a cold blooded killer. Or so he claimed. I think it means he likes to kill amphibians.

# Scars don't heal. That's kind of the definition of the word scar.

# I hate coincidence. Life is so much easier when you can just assume that everyone is trying to kill you.

# Good. Playing the insanity card does tend to throw people off their games.

# People are generally far less secure than the encryption strategies they employ.

# Funny how a man can be trusted to save the world but not to feed or drive himself.

# "How are you?"
"Dumped. The date didn't even last an hour. "
" What? What is wrong with the women these days? "
" I don't know. I guess they want a guy who doesn't remind them of a serial killer. "

# " You are passing up on greatness. "
" My dear, you should know by now that I've already had greatness. I traded it for mediocrity and some measure of sanity. "
" You should ask for refund. Because I'm not sure I found either in you. "

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