P.S. I Still Love You

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-Jenny Han

# I suppose you can't hold on to old things just for the sake of holding on.

# Love can go away, or people can, without even meaning to.

# Maybe it's good to exist in a place of unsureness for a while.

# "The point is, you shouldn't compare relationships, okay?"

Never mind the fact that I've been doing that constantly in my head.

# Witch with a b.

# It's the little things, the small efforts, that keep a relationship going.

# It's working, barely. Barely is enough for now.

# People come in and out of your life. For a time they are your world; they are everything. And then one day they're not.

# "Real isn't how you are made. It's something that happens to you."

"Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes. But when you're real, you don't mind being hurt."

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