My True Love Gave To Me

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- Rainbow Rowell

# 'Do you like music?'
'I used to. When I was a kid.'
'And now that you're old, you're over it?'

# I kind of lost that. The idea that something - food, tradition, an arbitrary date on the calender - can be special because we decided it should be.

# I'm of the opinion that if you let a single life event define you, then all you need to change things is another.

# 'We have a situation. It's a bad news /bad news.'
'Can we just pretend I know?'

# Of all the things and people she missed lately, it was odd to find herself at the top of the list.

# After all, they spent most of the year here. Who did they know at home?

# 'I'm not going anywhere.'
'You are. And it's okay. Just... I need you to take me with you.'

And there are so many, but maybe I'll leave it at that.

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