Chapter 6

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Curtis and I left the damaged area of the woods, which was caused by me, and I'm surprised that he didn't ask anything about my unusual abilities, so I didn't brought it up either, and just stayed quiet throughout the walk to his den, meaning that is where he rest his giant snake body, like a burrow, maybe.

Surprisingly, what I thought of what his den may look, is like the one that the snakes build in Earth, where they dig and crawl into muddy earth and just nest there. But his den is almost like a cave, and big enough for him, and me, it's also cold since his den is located near the river.

He asked me if he should hunt something for me to eat, but I declined, since everything that happened drained my battery today, so I just want to forget about all of this, and sleep, then maybe I'll wake up in real life and find out that it's all just a dream created by my delusional, creative mind. But Curtis is so life like, his words and actions, that I accepted it, and just think that, I'm finally not alone anymore, it doesn't feel like my tears, threaten to fall out of my eyes from time to time anymore, so I'm actually thankful he discovered me, and ask me in our first bizarre meeting, to be his life long partner, totally not weird at all. I've never even experience this type of situation back in Earth, because I'm so unsocialized, with just my best friend by my side, as my social stabilizer, so it's not surprising I'm awkward to things like this. And it's not like my family is a normal family either, the only person who is considered normal there is my beloved father.

Curtis goes out of his way just to make me feel better, that he cleans his entire den within seconds. And he even prepared a pile of wool from sheep's fur? Is this a nest or a bed? but anyway, I'm grateful since he's happy doing this for me, making me comfortable. It's kind of adorable seeing a handsome man like Curtis doing something like this for someone like me, so I just let him be.

Now that I have a somewhat proper makeshift bed to sleep into, and not the shitty grass bed I made yesterday, my new bed slowly lulled me into a peaceful sleep with dreams containing my memories in Earth with my family.

Like the particular memory, in which I had my seventh birthday, and my dad got me a giant chocolate cake, which was personalized, it's so beautiful and yummy to look at, that I cried ugly that day, and my pictures taken from that made me look like a deformed baby crying, with my sister beside me laughing at my face, this memory turn into dream, made me cry, as I wake up and felt my tears sliding down, at the side of my face. This is a vivid memory of mine though not my best moment, is so precious to me, I wouldn't exchange it for the world.

"Yaesoon! Why are you crying? Is there something hurting? are you sick?"

I woke up completely from my reminiscing, to see Curtis face hovering above me, full of worry like he endured something so painful, he doesn't realize he's biting his luscious lips. So, I stopped him from worrying by saying that I was just having a sad dream. He seems to realize it's not something I wanted to talk about so, he stopped his fretting, though I can tell he still wanted to ask me, but didn't, brought me uncooked meat with blood still clinging with the flesh. That made me nauseous, so I quickly go to the river and wash up.

"Curtis, I can't eat uncooked meat like you, it will make me sick. I need to cook it in a fire before I eat it."

"I see, next time I'll bring you cooked meat, so you can eat what I will bring to you from now on."

This guy is really sweet to me, though not as sweet as my father, that man is a real simp for my mother. Imagine bringing a flower everyday for your wife, before both of you go to work for 25 years. They're so sweet with each other, that my sister and I feels like an extra baggage to their relationship, but our Dad quickly assures us, said we are his treasure, so we don't have to feel that way, even though we are just joking when we said that to them.

"Thanks Curtis."

He seems startled by what I just said, and he smiled, almost like a smirk to me, with his eyes soft and tender while looking at me. Geez, he needs to stop giving me that look, or I might change my mind with my decision. I recognize that look, it's the one my father's eyes look to my mother, it made me uncomfortable.

After that, our day was filled with questions and answers about each other, though he still didn't ask me about my abilities, and that's fine with me. I also found out that Curtis is almost 20 years older than me, but he don't look over the age of 40, I probably look older than him right now, this world is like a cheat in life. They have magical dinosaurs or collosal that can grant you strength and health if you defeat one of them, and you can take the gem out of their corpse, that can be use as a currency here in their world.

Curtis really is strong in this world standard, as it was rare to even reach the Tetra marked like he did. Though, his strength is still no match for me, geez I need to stop saying this in my mind, I sound like my narcissistic sister, I don't want to be an asshole who looks down on others, though I know he doesn't hear what I just said about his strength, he may be sensitive about it.

While we are eating dinner, where I taught Curtis how to cook the meat by the fire, without burning himself, cause clearly it's his first time when he insisted on cooking the meat for me, and burned his fingers so I took the liberty of teaching him, and treating his burned fingers since I felt bad that he hurt himself because of me, even though it's his decision. When I treated him, Curtis seems to like it very much, that I think I saw the tip of his tail slightly flicking from side to side. This man is adorable, I don't know why, maybe it's his face and the way he acts around me.

"Yaesoon why don't you have any mating marks with you? Are you still underage? Did you not have your Estrus yet?"

"What? No, I'm 20 years old, and that means I'm an adult, don't know about this estrus thing. But the reason why I don't have any mate marks is because, I'm not ready for it, and the males of my clan are afraid of my family's strength, normally females are weaker when it comes to physical strength but, it isn't for me." I hope this will be enough answers for him, and not reveal that I'm a boomer who can't get into a relationship, and hopeless when it comes to love. And the clan well it seems like that is how people or Beast men identified each other here. I'm just gonna say that the Human clan are from a land faraway, and the females are so strong they only need one mate since that's the truth, for me.

"A human clan? I never heard of it in my life, even my inherited memories didn't mentioned anything about that, so that must mean it's really far away. How come you are here Yaesoon if you have your family with you?"

"Well, I don't know what brought me here in your continent, and that's why I'm looking for answers, so I will survive here, until I go back to where my family is."

For a moment, I saw Curtis eyes reflect sadness, but I won't change my mind about seeking answers, and trying to find ways to get home. I would not lie to him and give him a false hope to cling to.

"I understand, but please take me with you, and I'll help you find answers. I won't back down on that Yaesoon."

When I heard Curtis say that I wanted to cry, so I did, and sobbed loudly, to let out what I was feeling, that I locked down ever since I came here. I cling to him like a child, and cried to his shoulders, where I can feel his breath hitched by my closeness, and eventually he reluctantly patted my back, with his cold hand awkwardly moving, as if he didn't console anyone in his life before, and I find that trait of his endearing, so I hugged him close. He stop patting my back, and brings me closer to him with his arms around my back.

He hugged me throughout the night, where I let my sadness escape inside me.

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