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[Sofia's POV] 

It's been two and a half months since our last meeting. I've been missing her for almost three months now, and a lot has changed during this time.

I've gotten to know the El Luchador group, and we've made a deal. We discussed our past issues and sorted things out. They made it clear that they had no knowledge of what happened in the past few months, including the situation with my mom. I learned that they had split into two factions, with those loyal to Mr. Z being the ones who left – the greedy ones after money.

I've also had a conversation with Iris, and during that talk, I confirmed that I no longer have any feelings for her, and we're okay now. She told me that she still loves me, but we can't be together. I don't know her reasons, but all I know is that I genuinely love Auren too much.

As for Alexa, Emily, and Tiffany, I've informed them about everything that happened. They were initially shocked by what they learned but eventually accepted it. I also told them about Aureen, and they're eager for us to reconcile once everything is settled.

And what about Aureen? I'm updated on her because I've hired someone to keep an eye on her. She's doing well in the States but has become somewhat aloof and focused solely on her work. She's received numerous job offers here. Despite that, I'm feeling more at ease now. But I really miss her.

"Hey! Coffee," she said, handing me a cup, and I accepted it with a smile.

"Thanks. How's the group, Eye?" I asked before she left. She gave me a thumbs-up and then turned back as if she remembered something.

"Get ready for today," she reminded me, making me smile as I nodded in acknowledgment We've identified the individuals behind the chaos: Uncle Zandro and Governor. That's why I want Auren to stay away. I fear what I might do to her father. I don't want her to witness it. I'm afraid of her possible reaction because it could be either me or her father who might survive if he resists.

"And now, let's all welcome the very first-ever participation of the Aragon Squad in this tournament. Round of applause," the MC announced.

The squad began walking towards the court, and I followed behind. I scanned the entire arena and saw the El Luchador members scattered around, along with other assassins. It made me smile.

I suddenly felt the camera focused on me, and the crowd erupted in cheers. They must have seen my smile on the screen. But I didn't remove my gaze from the camera, and I thought of a way to create even louder cheers.

"Oh my god! The Ice Queen just winked, people. You are so hot Queen!" the MC exclaimed, and I grinned, heading towards the bench.

"You're really something, Ice. You might be an enchantress. You stole the attention meant for us," Alexa complained childishly, and we all burst into laughter while I playfully tapped her.

"Don't ruin the fun, Alexang. I just got caught up in the moment," I replied jokingly, but she made a sour face. Haha! She hates being called Alexang.

"I hate you," she mouthed, and I chuckled at her expression, starting to put on my jersey. That shocked them.

"What the seriously? Are you really going to play?" Alexa asked in disbelief, but I just gave her a smirk. They all started putting on their jerseys, and Alexa's expression was priceless.

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