This has to stop.

42 9 13

Hello again, it's Stratus.  Sorry if I scared you with the title.  But it does have to stop.

It's nothing you all did, rather something Ace did.

They're revealing information about me that I'd rather not be shared.  For instance, they're hinting at my real name.  That's something that the two of us SPECIFICALLY AGREED would not be mentioned until "season three", if at all.  We agreed that my name wasn't very important to lore and would not be necessary to share.  Yet they went behind my back and did it anyway.

This is a lesson to NOT test me.  Ace is fine, but I believe that they will be regretting their choices.  They should know better than to mess with the best friend of the Chaos Club's "president".  I've made sure that Amy will not be letting Ace into the squad any time soon, if ever, but I'm not sure if Ace even wants to be in it in the first place.  I might just have to revoke their Poor Man's Poison privileges- I know that would be enough to drive ME insane.

Anyways, I have an ask of you all.  Please, if you do know my name now, please keep it within Wattpad and do not spread it to any other platforms.  I know I can't undo what's been done, but I'm hoping that we can at least contain it.  

There is also a chance these things may be deleted or changed later.  I myself hope that Ace removes all evidence, and I'll gladly do the gaslighting myself.  

Thank you all for your cooperation.



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