Chapter 27

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Katrina was absolutely livid as she made her way over to her group. Witnessing what had transpired just before, they cautiously watched her, keeping a wide berth. Only Thomas was brave enough to approach her. Without saying a word, he sat down beside her and gently rested his hand on hers. "I'm sorry for being distant," he mumbled after a moment of silence. She squeezed his hand in response. Thomas' voice calmed her down. "It's alright. We're all in shock," she mumbled back. Thomas frowned at her, before reaching up to her lips and gently wiping the bottom corner with his finger. "Why do you have blood on your lips?" He asked, anger behind his words, as he showed her his finger that now was stained with a drop of blood. Katrina subconsciously reach up and touched her lips. She could still feel Ash's lips and while she hated what he had done, some small part of her that she refused to acknowledge had actually enjoyed it. She shook her head, banishing her thoughts of Ash. "It's not my blood, it's Ash's," she replied. Thomas looked at her expectantly. With a sigh she elaborated, "When I ran, Ash caught me and he kissed me." Thomas turned black as thunder as he began to get up. "Don't, he's not worth it," Katrina begged as she grabbed his arm. "He kissed you!" Thomas growled.
"It's fine," Katrina hissed, even though it was definitely not fine, "let it go." Thomas grumbled, but sat down beside her again, although this time he wrapped his arm around her almost protectively. Katrina snuggled into his arm, happy to be held by someone as her world continuously spun out of control.

The afternoon bled into the evening without incident. Until the dinner bell rang out and everyone made their way to dinner. Katrina sat next to Thomas, as far away from Ash as she could get. Over dinner she could hear her name being whispered along with Ash's amongst the others. "Ash and Katrina must've had a lovers' quarrel," someone whispered a little too loudly. Katrina glared in the whisperer's direction as she saw Ash do the same out the corner of her eye. Thomas stood up abruptly and slammed his hands down. "How dare you insult my girlfriend, by insinuating she has a relationship with that cold hearted freak," he roared, glaring at every person around the table. The table fell into a stunned silence. Katrina was absolutely shocked. She glanced at Ash who looked just as surprised as she was. Mitch shot to his feet. "How dare you insult Ash," he growled.
"And why shouldn't I?" Thomas seethed. "He insults us with his presence. Why doesn't he just crawl back to his precious masters and leave us in peace? Quit with the charade you soulless asshole." Katrina reached for Thomas and pleaded for him to calm down, sensing the rising hostility. "The only soulless one is you. Ash hasn't killed anyone. Tell me how are Danny and Christopher?" Mitch responded equally venomous. Thomas growled and leapt across the table, pushing Mitch to the ground. Katrina was momentarily stunned before she ran towards the now brawling boys. She noticed Ash trying to pull Mitch away as she tried to pull Thomas off Mitch. A stray hand hit her and she tumbled to the floor with a cry. Ash appeared kneeling at her side asking if she was alright. The two boys continued to fight as if nothing had happened.

At that moment the evil doctor burst in the room. Four masters quickly broke up the fight, two holding each boy. Mitch had a black eye, while Thomas had a split lip and a bloody nose that looked no longer straight. Both their shirts were ripped and various purple spots had appeared on exposed skin. Ash remained at Katrina's side, in a way that felt almost protective as if shielding her from the master once again. The master approached the two boys. "Who started this?" He demanded, his voice shaking in anger. Both boys remained silent, glaring at one another. "I can and will make you talk," the master threatened indicating to Ash and Katrina. Mitch glanced at the pair, fear evident in his eyes, with a defeated sigh he spoke. "It was Eleven. He lunged at me. We were having an argument."
"And what was the argument about?" The doctor growled, tilting Mitch's head up so he looked him in the eye. Mitch's eyes briefly flicked to Ash and Katrina. The doctor must have seen it, as he made a noise that sounded as if he was not surprised. Ash shifted under his gaze, wrapping an arm around Katrina. The master scowled. Katrina shrunk back into Ash as he approached the pair. "I'd watch it if I were you two. You're both on extremely thin ice. One more foot out of line from either of you and I can promise you there will be no more fights between your little bodyguards," the master hissed quietly. Katrina glanced across at Thomas, fearful that the master may follow through with his threat. Sensing his point had hit home, the master stood up and turned to the other masters. With a flick of his hand the master told them to take the boys. Both boys started to struggle against the masters but they were outnumbered. Katrina numbly stared after them and from the fact that Ash had not moved, she guessed he felt the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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