Chapter 1

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Her pulse quickened, "not again" she mumbled as the world started to spin. The 16 year old closed her eyes and began to count to twenty-three, by the time she finished counting, the room had stopped spinning and she continued to get ready for school as normal.

It had been over two years since Katrina Williams had started experiencing dizzy spells. She had never told anyone about them as she thought they were just weird hormones that every teenager had, and if her parents found out they would rush her to hospital and she would be mortified for life. So she carried on with her life, pausing occasionally when she was hit with a dizzy spell, but never telling or letting anyone know. She knew by now that the spells lasted for twenty-three seconds and they were not so bad if she kept her eyes shut.

She glanced at the clock beside her mirror. "Shoot, I'm gonna be late," she groaned. Katrina quickly pulled her long brown hair into a low ponytail and looked in the mirror. She studied herself in the mirror with her pale cyan eyes, before grabbing her school bag and heading out of her room.
She made her way to the kitchen where her parents were just finishing their breakfasts.
"Hey sleepyhead," her dad called out as he saw her enter the kitchen. She mumbled back "good morning" as she reached for the milk in the fridge. Quickly she sat down and started shovelling cereal in her mouth. While she did this her mother kept studying her, before asking if she had had a bad dream. Katrina looked at her like she was crazy, when her her father added "you were screaming in your sleep, again."
Katrina thought back to last night, but just like the other times her parents had told her she was screaming in her sleep, she could not remember screaming or anything that would have made her scream. Not wanting to scare her parents, she replied "oh yeah, I watched this scary movie before bed and I had nightmares that... Um... Chuckie was after me." Once again her parents frowned, she knew she was about to get lectured about watching scary movies before bed, so she quickly shovelled the last spoonfuls of her breakfast into her mouth and putting her bowl in the dishwasher before they could say anything. Glancing at the time, she grabbed her school bag, kissed both her parents on the cheek, before she ran outside to catch the bus, which was just about to leave.

As she got off the bus, she heard someone call her name, she turned around only to see her two best friends running towards her. Danielle reached her first and started to gloat at Mackenzie who was a few steps behind her. "Somethings never change" Katrina thought to herself, smiling at her now bickering friends. After what felt like a minute, Katrina spoke, "bye you two, I'm going to my locker, but don't let me interrupt your 'discussion,'" and with that, she turned on her heel and started to walk away, smirking as she heard her friends follow her.

As always, school dragged on, so that mere minutes felt like months, and it was only third period. Of all the classes Katrina had, English was the worst, she had no friends in her class, she hated writing, and the teacher was frightening. Here she was sitting in class, bored out of her brain, writing a practice essay for her exams with five minutes left of the class. This seemed like the perfect time for her to experience a dizzy spell, when she still had half a page to write with very little time. Katrina started to panic, which for some unknown reason began to give her a headache. She let go of her pen and shut her eyes for 23 seconds. She opened her eyes and the world was still spinning she looked at her pen and it looked to be writing by itself, but it was probably just the affects of the dizzy spell. She felt like she was going to be sick, her dizzy spells had never been longer than 23 seconds, shorter yes, but never longer, and this one seemed to be getting worse. As scared as she was, she put her hand up and asked the teacher if she could go to the bathroom, knowing the teacher would most likely say no. Instead her teacher allowed her to go, which made her fear what she must look like. She quickly left the classroom and ran to the bathroom with the world still spinning.

When she reached the bathroom she splashed some water on her face, before locking the door to a stall and sitting down on the toilet, waiting for the dizziness to pass.

The bell rang for forth period and Katrina, still in the bathroom, heard a knock at the door of her stall. "Katrina, are you okay, you didn't look too great in class. Do you need me to call your parents?" Katrina's eyes widened in panic, her parents cannot know, they would overreact. Putting on a brave face, she stood up and opened the door to the stall she was in, to see her English teacher looking at her with a concerned look. The dizziness had started to pass as she moved. Her English teacher still looked at her waiting for her answer. "Um... It must have been something I ate. I'm fine now, thank you. I will tell my parents about it tonight, Katrina said, although she had no intention of telling her parents. She needed to get away from the suspicious teacher, so she murmured something about having to get to class, before racing out of the bathroom to forth period.

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