Chapter 19

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The rest of the afternoon passed without incident. Mitch settled easily into the group as if he had always been part of it. Almost everyone loved him, except Thomas who continuously eyed him warily. Katrina had adeptly kept the conversation away from Ash and any talk of escape, opting to keep things light while Mitch was with them. Once the chimes had sounded for dinner the group made their way over to the dining table with the others. All but Mitch sat down. Instead Mitch headed towards the head of the table where Ash was seated. Katrina watched as Mitch whispered something into Ash's ear. The boy did not agree with whatever Mitch had said as he began to hiss something at Mitch. Mitch responded calmly. Ash folded his arms and scowled. Katrina turned away as she was convinced Mitch would be alright. Suddenly Alice got up from her seat next to Katrina and shifted to the other side of Ella. Katrina frowned unsure on why Alice had moved. She went to ask why when her question was answered by Mitch sliding into the vacant seat. "What are you doing?" She hissed quietly.
"What does it look like? I'm sitting next to you," he responded smirking, unaffected by her worry.
"You know what I mean. Why aren't you sitting with Ash?" She responded in slight exasperation.
"Until he gets over his little mood swing I'm not going to sit with him. He wants to push me away he can see how lonely it is for a little bit," Mitch said matter of factly. Katrina looked up at Ash. He almost looked as if he didn't care that his friend was not there, except when he briefly turned to gaze sadly at Mitch. As much as she thought Ash deserved it, she could not help feeling sorry for him. "Look. They aren't sitting next to Ash anymore," Thomas said gesturing to the head of the table. Katrina turned her attention to what Thomas was talking about. He was right. The first two seats on either side of Ash were empty. A pang of sympathy struck her as she remembered how she had only a few days ago been sitting alone, ignored as if invisible.

Dinner was served and everyone began to eat except Katrina. Her focus was solely on their forlorn leader. Ash simply dragged his fork through his food unable to bring himself to eat anything. Desperate to do something she turned to Mitch to ask him to go talk to him, but the words died in her throat when she saw Mitch's paled face. She gently asked him if he was alright. Jumping at the sound of her voice, Mitch crumpled up a note in his hand and put on a clearly fake smile stating he was fine. He instructed her to eat as he began to himself. Katrina studied him for a moment, before her stomach interrupted her with a grumble. Reluctantly she began to eat, determined to get answers afterwards.

Mitch must have sensed her intentions as he started a conversation with the younger boys as soon as he had finished eating. Thomas nudged her, drawing her attention away. "Mitch can't stay with us. He's Ash's best friend. He's our enemy." Katrina looked at him appalled.
"He is also my friend and Ash is not our enemy, the masters are," she whispered back.
"He's working for Ash to undermine us. Ash is working for the masters, therefore is our enemy," Thomas reasoned. "Mitch and I have reached an agreement that the leadership issue is between Ash and myself only, you and Mitch are not to interfere." Thomas looked at her disapprovingly. She shot back a glare that dared him to challenge her. They silently battled for a few moments before Thomas looked away in defeat. She breathed a sigh of relief before grabbing his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze under the table. He looked up at her and reluctantly gave her a smile.

After dinner Mitch joined them once more. The others talked around her as she continuously blinked back her tiredness. Thomas gently told her to lie down. Katrina sleepily frowned at him. Mitch agreed with Thomas much to the latter's surprise. Too tired to argue Katrina shifted herself so that she was lying across the two boys laps with her head resting in Thomas'. The others continued to talk around her as if nothing had happened. Gently Thomas brushed the strands of hair out of her face as her eyelids softly closed and she fell asleep instantly.

A few hours later, Thomas gently shook her awake. Rubbing her eyes, she wriggled herself into a sitting position. Mitch stood up beside her and said goodnight to the group. Katrina heard their confused protests. "I have to go," was all he said in response to their complaints. Katrina saw him glance over at the doors. Standing just inside the door was the orderly glaring in their direction as he leant against the wall with his arms crossed. Katrina shuddered at the sight of the moody master. Mitch walked over to the orderly his head bowed. In one swift movement the orderly jerked Mitch's hands behind his back and led Mitch out of the room. She glanced around the room trying to figure out if this was normal. No one else seemed to have noticed or cared, until her eyes rested on Ash. The boy was standing, his whole body tensed as if he were about leap into action. His stance confirmed her suspicions that this was not normal. Slowly the tension left his body as he slowly sunk back into the couch behind him.

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