Chapter 15

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Homesickness flooded through Katrina's veins. She had only been away from home for five days, yet she had never had such a deep desire to go home, to be held in her parents' warm embrace. Her desire to go home only strengthened her determination to escape. She was not a lab rat, nor had she done anything wrong to deserve this, and she most certainly was not a bird to be locked in a cage. Rage swelled through her, shoving her feelings of homesickness into the dark corners of her mind. Raising her head out of her hands, embers flickered into life in her eyes with renewed determination.

Rising from her self pity, the world around her came back into focus. Whispered voices drifted from somewhere to her right. Katrina's head snapped round in their direction. Mitch and Ash sat at the head of the table talking to each other in hushed tones. Something was different than before but Katrina could not place what it was. Mitch looked up at her and it suddenly clicked. He was sitting at the head of the table, and Ash was sitting on his left. Master Try Too Hard's words echoed in her head, "until tomorrow morning, Two is the leader. Zero has been relieved of his position until then." At least she now knew the man was not lying. The boys had obviously decided to make it clear who was currently in charge, although to Katrina it seemed as though Ash was still in charge. An arrogant air surrounded Ash, as it seemed to always do. He still had the presence of a leader, Mitch on the other hand still seemed like he was second to Ash. His body was tilted towards Ash as if he was needed his guidance, while Ash remain calm and centred. However what was most revealing was Mitch's eyes. While wearing a neutral expression, his eyes flittered around as the only sign to his discomfort at the situation.

His gaze landed on her and went still as if he had only just noticed she was watching. He went to say something when the dinner bell rang out, causing both him and Katrina to jump. Mitch glanced away. Ash put his hand on Mitch's and mouthed something to him that Katrina could not decipher. Mitch took a deep breath and sat up straighter as the others started to make their way to the table. Katrina looked away unable to watch him morph into a copy of Ash.

The legs of the chair across from her scrapped along the floor. Katrina whipped her gaze to the source of the noise. Taking a seat across from her was the young boy who she had protected from the master. Now she was able to clearly see the boy, she realised he would only be two years younger than her. He was short with mousy brown hair that curled beneath his ears and blue eyes that made him seem much younger at a distance. More chair legs scrapped against the ground as three more boys sat across from her, all looking around the same age as the young boy. The chair to her right moved as a scrawny looking boy sat beside her. To her left two girls sat down. Katrina looked at the teens around her then looked down the table towards Mitch. There was still a divide between where she was sitting and where the others would sit. A quick glance at Mitch showed he was just as confused, yet he smiled encouragingly at her when he noticed her gaze. She cleared her throat and asked, "um not to be rude or anything, but why are you sitting down here, away from the rest of the group?"
The mousy haired boy replied, "we," gesturing to the kids either side of him, "wanted to sit with you. It's the least we can do after what you did for me. You saved me."
The boy on her right spoke up, "I agree with what you said to that master. It's about time someone stood up to them."
"We've always been too scared to protest until you stood up to that master. You're an inspiration," the girl on her left said as her friend nodded in agreement. "I don't think your precious leader will be happy with you sitting with someone so troublesome," Katrina said trying to cover up her reddening cheeks. "Maybe it's time for a new leader then," the boy beside her said. The others nodded. "Well I doubt you'll find another one unless you plan on Mitch being your leader," Katrina responded.
"We weren't talking about Mitch, we were talking about you, Katrina," the boy said meeting her eyes. She froze. "You care about us and you're willing to stand up against the masters. It also seems like you plan on escaping and we want in," the boy added quickly. Katrina just blinked, her mind unable to cope with what was happening. She was saved from replying when the double doors opened. Everyone bowed their heads except the seven surrounding her. Still feeling slightly weakened from her earlier ordeal, she bowed her head. The seven surrounding her bowed their heads as well. Realising that they were following her lead she cringed before quickly whispering, "do what you normally would do."

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