Chapter 22

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Katrina was in a foul mood for the rest of the evening. The entire group seemed to pick up on her mood and kept their voices low. Thomas sat by her side silently. Mitch had not joined them after dinner, but she could not really blame him after her actions at dinner. Eventually Thomas broke the silence, "Katrina."
She whirled on him and cut him off, "why couldn't you just stick to the plan. We all agreed I would take the blame, not you." Angry tears stung the corner of her eyes. The quiet conversations around her had ceased and she could feel the others' eyes on her and Thomas. Thomas glanced at the others and grabbed her wrist. With a tug, he led her away from the others. Not wanting him to tear her arm out, she followed. He turned to face her not letting go of her wrist. "What did the master say to you?" Katrina frowned. "I know you aren't upset about me trying to share the blame with you. The master said something to you after I left didn't he?" Katrina looked down and gave a single nod of her head. Thomas waited for her to speak. "He insulted my parents then he told me the truth. That the reason I was brought here was a lie, Lissa had told me but I didn't fully believe her. My parents gave me to the masters based on a lie which had no evidence to support it. They didn't even fight for me," she said quietly as tears fell down her cheeks. He wrapped his arms around pulling her into a hug. She sobbed into his chest. "Your parents did what they thought was right for you. They loved you. They wanted you," he said his voice dropping at the end.
"If they wanted me they would've fought for me."
"Katrina, I know for a fact they loved you and wanted you. If they didn't they would've abandoned you when you were born."
"That doesn't happen anymore, except in the movies. How many kids do you know who were abandoned as babies?" She tried to sound scolding but her sobbing made it impossible.
"At least five, including myself." She pulled herself out of his embrace and stared at him, certain he must have been joking. His expression was serious. "I was left on the steps of St Joseph's Hospital as a baby. They named me Thomas after the man who found me and gave me the last name Josephs after the hospital. I grew up in the system. The masters found me two days after my fourteenth birthday when I fainted and fell down the stairs. The woman who ran the home was happy to get rid of me. The master mentioned taking me away and she signed the papers instantly. As far as I know I'm the only one here who's a foster kid, but then again you're the only one who knows about me," Thomas explained with his voice barely above a whisper. He looked away in shame. Katrina instantly felt guilty, here she was complaining about her parents when Thomas did not have any. She reached up, gently put her hand on his cheek, and encouraged him to look at her. Their eyes met and they silently held each other's gaze. "I'm glad you told me," she said breaking the silence.
"I'm sorry I didn't before. I was scared that if you knew you'd think less of me."
"Thomas, I would never think less of you. I really like you and you being a foster kid doesn't change that." He drew her into his arms again. She wrapped her arms around him in response.
"I hate to ask, but what will you do once we escape?" Katrina quietly asked.
"I don't really know. I want to try to find my biological parents. Other than that I have no idea. The group home sucked but it seems like heaven in comparison to this hell," he responded just as quietly.

They remained silently holding each other for a few more minutes. Eventually Katrina pried herself from his embrace mumbling about how the others would be missing them. She dried her eyes then grabbed his hand and with a small smile at each other, they went and rejoined the others.

The group turned to them on their arrival. "Is everything okay?" Ella asked hesitantly. Thomas answered before Katrina could, "everything's fine. I made a mistake that almost cost us our plan, Katrina had every right to be upset. But it is sorted now, right Katrina?" He glanced at her. She told them he was correct and the tense atmosphere vanished as if it had never been there to begin with.

"Katrina," Josh began, "when do we continue with our plan?" Katrina inwardly cringed. She had hoped that they would not bring it up tonight. Although she had formed some of the plan she did not agree with it in its' entirety. She had hoped that she would have time to find an alternative solution to sticking a blade in the back of their necks. Sensing her hesitation, Thomas spoke up, "Tomorrow after lunch, if all goes well." She turned to him and frowned. He leant in close and whispered in her ear, "I know you don't agree with the method but it's the only option we have. It will be alright, trust me." She nodded. The bells rang out for bed. Thomas went to stand but she grabbed his wrist. She glanced at him pleadingly and he sat back down. The others said goodnight and left. "I didn't want to be left alone," Katrina responded to his unasked question. It was not the whole truth but Thomas seemed to buy it. The real reason was that she did not want to be approached by Ash for the third night in a row. Out the corner of her eye she saw Ash watching her with Alex by his side. Not wanting his eyes on her, she got up to leave with Thomas following her. She felt Ash watching her until the door swung shut behind her.

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