Chapter 2

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"So why were you late to Physics, Kat?" Mackenzie asked.
"Um... I had to finish this practice essay in English, otherwise the teacher would have killed me." Katrina said regretting every word that came out of her mouth. What kind of a friend was she if she lied to them? Luckily, they had started a new discussion and did not notice their brooding friend. Katrina's mind started to wander and she absently wrote with her finger on the table. Little did Katrina know that her friends had asked for her opinion on something.
"Kat. Kat. Katrina. Katrina Williams!" Danielle shouted at her. Katrina snapped out of her daze and looked at her friends worried expressions.
"What? I was just daydreaming," Katrina asked, wondering why they looked so worried. The two friends stayed silent, before Mackenzie spoke up, "you were writing "help, stop, no, don't" over and over again." Katrina just stared at her friends with a puzzled expression, did she really write those words, she could not remember, she was just thinking about lying to her friends.

Not wanting to concern her friends she laughed and brushed it off as a joke. Her friends worried eyes remained on her for a few more seconds, Katrina looked away unable to bear their gaze. Fortunately the bell saved her. "See you guys tomorrow" she said smiling as she turned away.
"Kat, we have class together next period" Mackenzie said as she caught up to Katrina, who was already walking away. "Oh I guess I forgot" Katrina mumbled, knowing that she would probably be interrogated all next lesson.

Fortunately for Katrina, her calculus teacher was in a foul mood and condemned the class to silence, sparing her from her friend's questions. Mackenzie kept sending questioning looks, but Katrina pretended to ignore them, she had already had enough attention for one day. "Class, once you have finished the pages in your workbook, which you should have by now," the teacher glared at the class before continuing. "You must come up to my desk and grab this worksheet." A few minutes later, Katrina rose from her desk to grab the next worksheet. Suddenly dizziness struck her greater than it ever had before and her head felt as if someone had taken a pickaxe to her brain. She cried out in pain and darkness began to form in the corners of her vision. Then as suddenly as it had come over her, the pain and dizziness subsided as she fell to the floor.

Mackenzie's eyes were wide as she stared at her friend lying on the floor, she could not will herself to move from where she was. Her mind ran as fast as it could through what had just happened. Katrina had seemed fine, except for being quiet, then all of a sudden she had screamed in agony and collapsed on the floor. Everyone in the room seemed to be moving at super-speed, the teacher feeling for Katrina's pulse, a student to her right calling an ambulance, other students rushing around doing various things, while she sat there unable to comprehend what had just happened. A minute later, a siren screeched towards the school, breaking Mackenzie's paralysis. She brought her hands up to her eyes only pull them away wet with silent tears. As she went to get up from her desk two paramedics rushed past her to her unconscious friend. Quickly the two paramedics gently lifted Katrina seemingly lifeless body onto the stretcher they brought, and left the room. Mackenzie heard the sirens once again as they carried her friend away from her. Silently, Mackenzie prayed to whoever would listen asking that her friend would be alright.

Sirens, screams, beeping, talking. Katrina slowly opened her eyes to unfamiliar surroundings, she could not remember how she got here. Fortunately the woman sitting next to her noticed she was awake and began to speak to her "Katrina Williams, is that your name?" Katrina meekly said yes before the woman continued, "do you know what happened to you?" Panic started to rise within Katrina, she could not remember. The woman sensed Katrina's panic and quickly said, "you're safe. You collapsed at school, we're in an ambulance taking you to the hospital." So that explained the siren, beeping and talking, but what about the screaming? Katrina tried to place where the screaming had come from, when what happened to her came back in full force. She still couldn't place the screaming, maybe someone screamed, or maybe it was her own, either way she had bigger issues, such as why she collapsed and how could she keep her parents from completely losing it.

Soon the ambulance seemed to come to a stop. The doors opened and light flooded in causing Katrina to instinctively close her eyes. She opened her eyes again to see a doctor entering the ambulance. He came to her side and she felt a pinch in her arm. She looked to her side to see the doctor push a syringe down inserting some sort of liquid into her. She opened her mouth to protest but her eyes began to close and she slipped into unconsciousness.

The doctor seeing the girl was asleep pocketed the needle and quickly checked just below the base of the girl's neck. The doctor, noticing the waiting patient transporters turned to them. "Take her to the children's ward, in the room nearest my office," his deep voice said quietly. The patient transporters quickly followed his orders, before leaving the doctor alone with his thoughts. The doctor frowned, she was older than those who usually showed the symptoms. The doctor began to head to where the girl had been taken. He would look through her records where there would be a simple explanation as to why she was older than usual. But first, he had to be sure she was one of them, he would run the tests, already knowing the outcome. Then he would have to talk to the girl's parents, who would be arriving soon.

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