Chapter 17

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Someone shook Ash awake. With a mumble Ash tried to swat the person shaking him away. The shaking increased in response. Grumbling, Ash opened his eyes. Doc stared down back at him. Not believing his own eyes, Ash rubbed them. He sat up before gingerly reaching out to touch the man he swore was an illusion in front of him. "It's really me Ash. I'm here," reassured Doc.
"I don't understand. Master Malicious Smile said I couldn't see you anymore. He knows, Doc. He knows you care for me," Ash said, his voice cracking at the end. Tears brimmed in his eyes, forcing him to turn away. Doc shushed him, and gently placed a hand under his chin, guiding Ash to look at him. "It's okay. It's my fault, not yours. I slipped up, I'm sorry. And yes I cannot see you anymore, I'm not even meant to be here now, but today is special so I'll make an exception," Doc apologised.
"What's so special about today?" Ash mumbled. Doc's lips quirked upward.
Making a straight face he nonchalantly spoke, "nothing too special. It's not like it's the 24th of July, a date I always remember, or anything like that." Ash just looked at him as if he was speaking in a different language. Doc playfully rolled his eyes and laughed. "You are quite possibly the only person on the planet who cannot remember their own birthday." Doc wrapped the boy in a hug, saying "Happy birthday Ash." Ash returned the hug, his mood lifting instantly. After a moment Doc pulled away and started to sing 'Happy Birthday.' Alex appeared at his other side and joined Doc's singing. In his hands was a small plate with a cupcake in the centre with a candle burning on top. He held the plate out in front of Ash. Once the two finished singing, Ash blew out the candle. "Happy birthday Ash," Alex said with a smile. Doc grabbed something off the floor beside him. Ash's eyes lit up as Doc handed him three books bound together with ribbon. He gently undid the ribbon holding the three books together to get a closer look at the books. Opening the front cover of the top one, he read the inscription Doc had written there. To my dear Ashton. How you have grown up so fast. I'm so proud of you. Happy 17th Birthday. With all my love, Doc. Ash teared up. He pulled Doc into another hug and whispered his thanks in his ear.

Once Ash let go of Doc, the cupcake reappeared in front of him, although instead of the candle, a fork rested on the side of the plate. Resting the plate on his lap, he began to eat the cupcake. As always it tasted delicious and Ash savoured every mouthful. Doc subtly moved to Alex's side. "How are you holding up?" He asked quietly.
"I'm okay," Alex replied just as quietly, turning his head slightly. He winced at the movement and put a hand to his head. Doc held onto him as if he would collapse. "You're not okay Alex. You need to rest," Doc worriedly hissed.
"No, I'm fine Alan. I can't rest anyway, I need to look after Ash," he stubbornly replied.
"Alex, you've just been in surgery. Your body needs time to heal. You've barely slept within the past 24 hours. You need to rest. As a doctor you should know that better than anyone," Doc said sternly.  Alex looked away in shame. Ash studied him and was shocked at what he saw. Dark bags had begun to form under his eyes, however what was more shock was how pale he was. It was suddenly clear how exhausted the young doctor was and why Doc seemed so worried about him. He berated himself for not noticing sooner.

Doc's watch beeped breaking everyone's thoughts. He looked down at it and sighed. "I have to go," he said sadly. Picking up the now empty plate in Ash's lap, he gave the boy one final hug and repeated his birthday wishes. He walked over to Alex. "Don't think that just because you're out of my care, I'm not going to keep an eye on you. Rest, Alex. Don't make me pull rank and force you to rest," Doc said with concern. Alex mumbled his compliance. Then with one last look at the two boys, Doc left.

The room descended into silence. Alex busied himself disconnecting the finished IV line from Ash. "Doc's right. You need rest. You look like hell," Ash stated quietly. Alex snorted.
"Like you can talk. Have you looked in a mirror?"
"I'm used to it, Alex, you're not." Alex frowned at him but said nothing. He pulled out a syringe and gently injected it into Ash's arm. "Painkiller," he simply said in response to Ash's confused look. Wishing to change the subject, Alex innocently asked, "who's Thirty-six?" Ash scowled.
"Trouble. She's the most rebellious subject I have ever met. They only brought her in a couple of days ago but she's older than the others were when they were brought in. Her name's Katrina," Ash grumbled. "Sorry I asked," Alex apologised, realising the girl was a sensitive subject.
Ash stayed silent for a moment. Eventually curiosity got the better of him. "Actually why did you ask?" Ash asked, suddenly suspicious. Alex shrugged. "No reason. The others were talking about her earlier."
Ash's interest rose. "What were they saying?" He asked, eager to know more. Alex looked conflicted. "Well there was an incident involving one of the masters where he went a bit far with his punishment and almost killed her."
"What's wrong with that. Happens all the time," Ash interrupted, losing interest. Alex went to shake his head, but stopped himself. "Not this time. Galahad basically bit the guy's head off. He was so pissed off.  Now Galahad has instigated a no kill policy on her, same as the one on you." Ash groaned. "Here I was thinking she'll get herself killed, then things could go back to normal," he muttered rubbing his temples. "Ash," Alex exclaimed in shock. Ash rolled his eyes. Alex went to berate him further, when the door swung open. Quickly Alex grabbed the three books sitting on Ash's lap and shoved them into his coat. Master Malicious Smile entered with Master Lap Dog trailing behind. Ash bowed his head. Alex shrunk back slightly. The master strode over to stand to the side observing the two boys. Master Lap Dog approached the two boys, a bandage covering part of his forehead and a scowl on his face. Alex sucked in a deep breath, his whole body tense with nerves. With a slight waver in his voice, Alex gave the first command and with Master Lap Dog begrudgingly assisting the two performed Ash's morning tests.

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