Chapter 18

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Katrina was not prepared for their tests. Even if she had been at full strength, she was pretty sure she would still be exhausted. Despite her physical appearance, she had never been overly athletic, instead preferring to read a book over running around chasing a ball. She regretted reading so many books now as the masters put her through test after test. It was like an army boot camp or a gym junkie's wildest dream. Unfortunately, Doc either failed or did not try to get them to postpone the tests, a fact that became glaringly obvious after the second hour had passed, leaving Katrina to the masters' mercy for the entire morning. Every muscle in her body burned and protested every movement. When the masters finished their last test, a gruelling half hour run on a treadmill, she almost wept with joy. They hauled her off the treadmill and did a quick physical examination before wiping away the sweat pouring off her with a odd feeling towel. Someone yanked her hands behind her back. She hissed and whipped her head round expecting to come face to face with the master who had escorted her earlier. The orderly's scowling face greeted her instead. He smirked at her, before shoving her forward. Too tired to resist, she let him lead her back to the 'Gilded Cage.'

Giving her one final shrug, he pushed her into the room. She stumbled but stayed up right. Turning around to scowl at him, the doors shut behind her, leaving her scowling at the closed doors. Some one called out her name, relief evident in his voice. Katrina turned back to the source of the voice, to see Thomas striding towards her, with a huge smile on his face. His smile was infectious as Katrina smiled back at him. She took a step towards him, when suddenly her legs collapsed beneath her. Her body crumpled towards the floor, but never made it as someone's hands clasped around her protecting her from the cold unforgiving floor. She gazed up to see who had stopped her fall. Thomas stared down at her fear in his eyes. "Are you okay, Katrina?" He whispered quietly. Katrina did not respond, her attention totally focused on his sea blue eyes. He shook her lightly breaking her trance. "Yeah, I'm fine just a little tired," Katrina responded, glancing away as her cheeks reddened. Thomas studied her and gave her a look that told her that he did not believe she was only a little tired. Readjusting his grip on her, he lifted her bridal style. She gave a weak squeak of protest, "Thomas I'm fine." Her body betrayed her as she exhausted muscles relaxed into his arms against her will. Deciding she was already thoroughly embarrassed, she rested her head against his shoulder, in an attempt to hide her tomato-like face.

The doors opened again. She felt Thomas protectively tighten his grip on her. Despite her early protest she secretly enjoyed the feeling of Thomas holding her so close. She heard someone stumble in before the doors swung shut again. "Katrina," a male voice called out in worry as she felt someone approach her. She turned her head to face the newcomer. "What happened?" Mitch asked Thomas with an almost protective growl. "I don't know. The masters just brought her back, she just collapsed," Thomas bit back with a growl of his own. The two glared at each other. "Don't fight," Katrina quietly groaned. Both boys turned to her, forgetting their silent battle. Thomas gestured to a spot behind him. Mitch nodded in response. Thomas carried her over to where he had gestured. Gently he lowered her onto a couch as if she were made of glass. Mitch knelt down beside the couch and rested the back of his palm on her forehead. Thomas sat down on the couch opposite. None of them spoke.

"Are you okay, Katrina? What happened before?" Thomas asked gently, breaking the silence after a few minutes. "I'm fine, like I said I'm just a little tired," she swatted away his concern.
"You're lying and you know it. By now I've seen it all, so you can't fool me. You're exhausted. When was the last time you slept?" Mitch spoke up, his words cold as stone. Katrina looked away, knowing she had been caught. "I slept last night. They just made me do a lot of physical exercise this morning," she mumbled.
"You can't be that tired just from exercise. Mitch is right, it looks as if you haven't slept," Thomas said solemnly. "And why weren't you at breakfast?"
"I wasn't at breakfast because I was in the med rooms," Katrina snapped, uncomfortable with the boys' concern for her. Thomas and Mitch shared a look, before looking expectantly at her. She silently cursed herself for blurting it out. "It was nothing. Apparently I was thrashing around in my sleep so they took me to a med room to keep an eye on me. I woke up feeling more tired than when I went to bed, the master thinks I'm suffering from exhaustion. Really it's nothing," Katrina casually brushed it off. It was as if she had opened a flood gate as both boys started talking at once. "It's not nothing."
"Exhaustion? And yet they still forced you to do the tests."
"Is there anything I can do?"
"You're obviously not alright."
"Thomas, Mitch, shut up. I'm fine, stop worrying so much," Katrina whined as she massaged her forehead, which had started ache due to the boys taking over one another. Fortunately she got them to shut up. Instead they both sent her a scolding look that told her that they had every right to be worried as she was not fine. She groaned and closed her eyes in response. Fortunately she was saved from further interrogation, when the lunch chimes rang out. Moving to stand up both boys, jumped to her side. "I can walk," she growled out. The boys shared a silent communication, before moving to either side of her. They placed her hands on their shoulders and held her round her midriff. She opened her mouth to protest, but Mitch silenced her, "it's either this or one of us carries you." Katrina grumbled some unsavoury comments under her breath but nodded. Together the three of them slowly made their way across the room to the dining table.

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