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The academy's grand event had arrived, and the entire campus was alive with the sounds of laughter, music, and the chatter of excited students. The main courtyard had been transformed into a bustling hub of activity, with colorful stalls and food vendors lining the perimeter.

In one corner, a group of students had set up a stall selling handmade crafts and artwork. Their display was a riot of colors and creativity, and they attracted a crowd of art enthusiasts and curious onlookers. Nearby, the aroma of sizzling street food wafted through the air, drawing hungry students to a stall selling everything from mouthwatering kebabs to delectable fried snacks.

In the center of it all, a grand stage had been erected. The emcee, a charismatic and energetic student, stood at the microphone, ready to kick off the evening's main event: the dance competition. She radiated confidence and enthusiasm, setting the perfect tone for the festivities.

"Good evening, everyone!" Her voice boomed through the speakers, and the crowd hushed in anticipation. "I hope you're all having a fantastic time at our academy extravaganza. We've got a real treat in store for you tonight."

The stage was adorned with vibrant lights and a backdrop that changed colors with each beat of the music. It was clear that the organizers had spared no effort in making this event a spectacle to remember.

"Without further ado, let's get this dance competition started!" She exclaimed, and the crowd erupted in cheers. The first group of dancers stepped onto the stage, their costumes glinting in the spotlight.

As the first notes of music filled the air, the performers launched into a mesmerizing routine. Their energy was infectious, and soon, the entire courtyard was swaying to the rhythm of their movements. Each group brought its unique style and flair to the stage, from classical ballet to contemporary hip-hop.

Amid the sea of energetic dance performances, the emcee, the emcee, took a moment to introduce the next act with a sense of anticipation in her voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for our next performance, we have something truly enchanting for you. Get ready to be spellbound as a talented young student takes the stage with a breathtaking ballet performance."

The audience hushed in anticipation as the spotlight centered on a young schoolgirl, Song Jia, who stood gracefully at the edge of the stage. She wore a simple yet elegant ballet outfit, her hair pulled back in a neat bun. She seemed like an ordinary student, but those who knew her knew she had a remarkable gift.

As the soft, classical music began to play, Song Jia  movements were poetry in motion. Her pirouettes were flawless, her leaps seemingly defying gravity, and every extension of her arm and leg expressed a profound grace that seemed to touch the very soul of the audience. The entire courtyard was in a trance as they watched her dance.

In the audience, the elites can also be seen, and the normally reserved and somewhat aloof student, He Jian seems to be watching her perform, his eyes fixed on her every move.

Song Jia's performance ended with a final, breathtaking leap, landing softly on the stage to thunderous applause. The audience erupted into cheers.

With the applause for Song Jia's ballet still echoing through the courtyard, the emcee, took the stage once more, her excitement palpable.

"And now, prepare to be wowed once again!" she declared. "Our next performer is about to blow your mind with some jaw-dropping hip-hop moves!"

As the spotlight shifted to the center of the stage, Li Weiwei emerged. She was clad in street-smart attire, exuding an air of confidence and swagger. The moment the hip-hop beats thumped through the speakers, Li Weiwei began to move in a way that electrified the entire audience.

Quick Transmigration: Help, something is wrong with the Main leads!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat