Alarming Affection

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Warning! May contain dark and obsessive conduct of behavior.

In the serene ambiance, the morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, Li Weiwei stirred from her slumber, her hazel eyes fluttering open to the coziness of her room. Blinking against the soft morning light, she tried to piece together the events of the previous day, her memory shrouded in a haze, leaving her feeling disoriented.

A gentle knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. It was one of her devoted maid, announcing that breakfast awaited in the dining area. "Thank you, sister Shi," Li Weiwei replied, her voice tinged with confusion.

It wasn't until she sat up, rubbing her eyes, that the memory slammed into her with the force of a sudden gust of wind in her window. Her face flushed, and her heart raced as she recalled the heart-stopping incident from yesterday. She'd been caught off guard, denial tugged at her mind like an insistent whisper, urging her to brush it off as a minor blip in her life. Yet, anxiety coiled around her, gripping her chest like a vice.

'What should I do?! It's getting more and more confusing to me.'

Pushing aside her bewilderment, Li Weiwei readied herself for the day ahead. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror while preparing for school and noticed faint marks on her skin— as if etched by an elusive memory. Her heart sank, and though she fought to hold back tears, wuu he's a beast!

Despite the unsettling marks and sore body, Li Weiwei pushed forward, she dressed for school, her mind swimming with questions, yet she kept her turmoil hidden beneath a practiced facade.

Downstairs, in the elegant dining area, a spread of delicious food lay untouched on the table. Li Weiwei sat alone, her thoughts far away, as she absentmindedly picked at her breakfast, trying to mask the turmoil swirling within her.

As Li Weiwei sat at the breakfast table, lost in her thoughts, her brother, Li Qin, joined her. His presence jolted her back to the present, yet his words spun her further into confusion.

"Why did you come home so late last night?" Li Qin inquired, his tone laced with a mix of concern and frustration. He mentioned something about her being brought home by his friend, his expression reflecting his low mood.

Li Weiwei's mind raced, "Hey, morning... um, I don't really remember much from last night. Just felt tired and crashed, I guess." she nervously skirted around his questions, avoiding any specifics, her responses veiled in uncertainty to ward off further interrogation. She bid a hasty farewell, citing her impending tardiness for school. "Yeah, I think... I must've lost track of time. Gotta rush now, I'm late for school. See you later!"

However, just as she turned to leave, Li Qin's voice cut through the air, thick with discontent. "I didn't like what happened yesterday. I don't want it to happen again," he muttered under his breath, the weight of his words hitting her like a sudden gust of wind.

Her breath caught in her throat as she nodded in response, her eyes avoiding his penetrating gaze. She hurried out, feeling the weight of his dissatisfaction lingering behind her.

The journey to school felt longer than usual as she wrestled with the cryptic pieces of her memory and the tense exchange with her brother. The unease of the morning had deepened into a heavy sense of foreboding, and she arrived at school feeling more isolated than ever.

Avoiding her brother's company, she arranged for a separate ride home, hoping to distance herself from the tension that had settled between them. She feels something is off with Li Qin, but she is unsure what's the reason.

The dining area was engulfed in a gloomy atmosphere when Li Weiwei left, matching the melancholy mood of the male protagonist, Li Qin. He sat at the table, his coffee forgotten, lost in a storm of conflicting emotions. Denial had taken hold of him, refusing to acknowledge the unexpected attraction he felt towards Li Weiwei, her sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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