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Year 847

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Year 847

Rain is something Levi has learned to embrace over the years, a natural phenomenon he didn't get to see until he was in his late twenties. When he was a child, his mother would tell him stories about the world above, and she would mention rain. For a long time, Levi doubted that the sky could be torn apart, sometimes going so far as to deny that the drops could freeze when it was cold outside. When he could see, smell, feel and hear the rain, he was fascinated. He quickly learned that grey clouds caused rain and that white clouds were just there to decorate the sky above him. He learned that rain could be beautiful and soothing, but deadly as well. The humanoid creatures they like to call Titans use this phenomenon to their advantage. Levi would know, having lost his closest friends and several comrades in the disaster.

The soldier brushes his wet locks from his face, the inky black colour looking even deeper. His steel eyes scan his surroundings as he tries to navigate the familiar fields outside Wall Maria. They used to train here before Wall Maria was invaded by the Titans. They had to give it up and lost hundreds of people in the process, something that affected Levi deeply. There was no way anyone who hadn't escaped in time could have survived the breach.
"Eld? I need you to ride ahead. Watch out for abnormals." He decides and turns to his second-in-command, letting his eyes roam over his subordinates.
"Yes Captain!" The blonde eagerly speeds up his stallion and he races away from the droop, rain and fog engulfing him at a relatively short distance. Levi doesn't like it one bit, the fact that they can be blinded so easily is dangerous.
"Green smoke signals on your left!" One of his soldiers notes, causing Levi to look in the direction where Mike's squad should be.
"Everything's going according to plan." Levi breathes out, relieved that they will soon reach Trost again. No deaths, hardly any injuries and Hange was able to study a disintegrating Titan for a few minutes. Everything was going according to plan, until it wasn't.

Levi has to force his horse to stop when he notices Eld's unoccupied one standing in the overgrown grass. A rush of panic hits him and for a moment he feels planc adrenaline rushing through his veins. For a moment, he suspects the worst and prepares to face a titan, but then he notices his dear comrade hovering in the high fields.
"Now is not the time to take a shit, Eld." Levi is quick to point out the misdeeds of his subordinates, easily dismissing them as insults.
"Uh- Captain?" Eld pipes up, pointing to the damp ground.
"What? You want me to look at your shit?" He may be short, but what humanities strongest soldier lacks in height, he makes up for in rude comebacks.
"Captain, there is a girl." Baffled, his eyebrows furrow in an unsettling frown, the dark circles under his eyes more pronounced.
"There's a what now?" Surprised, he lets his body sing from his stallion's back, a 'tch' escaping his lips as he sinks into the muddy earth. If there's one thing Captain Levi hates more than Titans, it's dirt of any kind.
"On the walls." One of his soldiers mumbles as he approaches Eld, who is about to place his cape over something to protect it from the relentless rain and storm.

𝑨𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now