𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 ᵏᵉⁿⁿʸ

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It is a chilly late afternoon within the walls, although the sun has already risen above them, illuminating the landscape of wall Rose in beautiful warm colors

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It is a chilly late afternoon within the walls, although the sun has already risen above them, illuminating the landscape of wall Rose in beautiful warm colors. You have decided to go for a run, enjoying the fresh air and the blooming flowers as you jog back to the lovely cottage in the fields. You had already eaten lunch, wild berries, nothing else would do today. Just the thought of yesterday makes you sick, and the thought of your Captain alone made your heart pound. It was a strangely intimate situation, even though he hadn't touched you at all. His presence alone is enough to throw your rational thinking out the window.

As you approach the hut, you see about five additional horses grazing peacefully in the field around it. "Section Commander Hange must be back." You think nothing of it, but the moment you enter the main entrance of your little hideaway, the atmosphere is deeply stifling, almost suffocating as everyone turns to look at you. Your squad is seated around the large dining table, while Hange and her team are scattered around the room. You can guess what might happen next, you saw this scenario coming weeks ago.
"Pastor Nick is dead, isn't he?" You blurt out breathlessly, looking between your Captain and the Section Commander.
"Yes, they say he was robbed and murdered. Can you confirm that?" Levi asks, sounding almost bored, as if he already knows the answer. Frowning, you reply, "No. The MPs tortured and killed him". As if it were common knowledge.
"I thought so." Hange looks a little sad, deep in thought as well. As long as you couldn't reveal the secret of the walls, they relied on the pastor of the wall's Church to give them information. He never did.

"They tortured him. Presumably for information. Did they just want to know what exactly he'd pass on to us?" Armin offers the idea, looking to Levi for confirmation. The Captain sets his cup down on the table and agrees.
"But these are the interior MPs we are dealing with, so you can bet there is something deeper in work here." He explains, his eyes moving from Armin to you and then to Hange.
"Now how many nails was the good Pastor missing?" That catches Hange off guard, not sure why he would want to know that.
"How many? You saw him, right?" Instead of her, it's you who answers.
"All of them. He didn't tell them anything." Their heads turn in your direction, a mixture of confusion and admiration in their eyes.

"If you knew he was going to die, why didn't you tell anyone? Freak." Jean asks aloud, glaring at you with suspicion, as if you were a traitor. The new people called you that behind your back. A 'freak' or a witch, or even better, a whore. Hearing it from him really hurts, because you thought these people were your friends. What if the others think the same?
"She did, stupid brat. Why do you think he took on another identity? Faye is your second-in-command, show her some respect." The Captain comes to your aid, glaring at the cadet who looks down in shame.
"Whatever. I'm impressed. I didn't think highly of Pastor Nick. But whatever his faults, he stuck by his beliefs until the end. Which means they have no idea we know about the Reiss family." Levi clarifies, his eyes drained of all emotion as he continues his speech.
"But the government is up to something, and we've got a target on our backs." His assumption turns out to be true, as Nifa bracks in walking up to him in a rush.
"Captain Levi, sir. I have a message from Commander Erwin. I went to tell him about Pastor Nick-" She explains as Levi opens the envelope and reads over the paper Nifa handed him.
"-but he gave me this and sent me off."

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