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After the incident with Kenny, things continued to go downhill and eventually the plan ended in a disaster

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After the incident with Kenny, things continued to go downhill and eventually the plan ended in a disaster. Laying low is now your best option, considering that your last mission to protect Eren and Historia turned out to be a complete failure. Kenny, who turns out to be the captain of a special force's unit within the military police regiment, was able to kidnap both of them. However, there was something positive about yesterday: they found out new information about Historia. For that they had to torture a high-ranking MP, which was their only option. You decided to follow Moblit's lead and stayed on Levi's side for possible assistance. Moblit Berner is Hange's second in command, and he has offered you his advice, which you have gratefully accepted. Though, Levi's torture of the man was a bit much, and you eventually excused yourself to vomit in front of your friends. They assured you that your reaction was normal and that you should take a break instead. While conventional torture didn't work on the MP, psychological torture did, and he ended up spilling something that had been kept from the public for decades. Rod Reiss, Historia's father, is the true King of the Walls, making Historia his heir. Your visions of her in a crown have once again proven to be a truce, earning you additional trust from the Surveyor Corps.

Now you are hiding just outside Trost district, feeling safer in the woods than in the city. You sleep in sacks made of fur, scattered under a tree in the middle of the bushes, a campfire would be far too obvious, so you have to stay close together. Levi and you decided to divide the group into sub-teams. Mikasa and Sasha would take the first watch, Levi and you the second. Jean, Connie and Armin will take the third.
There are still MPs looking for you and among them is surely Kenny. This man circles in your mind, confusing you the more you think about him. He's never appeared in your dreams, which makes you wonder what else you haven't foreseen.

Deep in thought, you glance at Captain Levi, who is sitting across from you, taking a sip from a bottle filled with water. He looks calm as his eyes meet yours in the darkness, a silent agreement between the two of you. You started your shift about half an hour ago, and while you still feel drunk with sleep, he seems wide awake as always.
Levi made you a promise a few days ago, and so far, he has kept it, but it seems that you are about to renege on the deal. He knows it too, the way you stare at him is obvious, even if he can't see the hunger for clarification in your eyes. He glances around to make sure the others are fast asleep before turning his attention back to you, leaning down to push up his torso with his elbows.
"What is it? I can see the wheels turning in your head from here." The Captain asks gruffly, relaxing against his fur. This night isn't as cold as the others, which favors their situation.
"Oh. Um..." Caught off guard, you try to formulate your next question carefully, not wanting to overstep his bounds.
"That man, Kenny. He said something about you killing people when it suits you. Is that true?" It's just one of a few things that's been nagging at your conscience, and you'd like to solve this mystery around him, hoping that it would solve your conflicted feelings as well.

Captain Levi is silent and just looks at you for a while, surely fighting the inner torment of telling you.
"I did in the past." He confesses and takes another sip from the bottle, not bothered by the revealed truth.
"If humanity would benefit from it, I'd certainly do it again." Levi adds, speaking his mind freely, knowing it could only increase the tension between you.
"So, are the rumors true? Were you a criminal in the past?" You blurt out, fascinated by the way he seems to be revealing his relentless actions to you. He smiles softly, but quickly replaces the mimic.
"Yes, I was. I got Erwin's attention, and he gave me a choice: either I die by execution or by the mouth of a titan." The more he reveals, the more you are drawn into his spell; it feels special to find glimpses of this mysterious man's past. It may also help you understand him better, making it easier to work with him in the future. At least you hope so.

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