Chapter 2

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            (^photo not mine, it was found on Pintrest)

Warnings: Mentions of abuse and alcohol consumption 

Chapter 2 - Fate

  You stand, slouching over a metal counter, preparing a dish requested by a customer, while talking to your beloved sister Mitsuri.

"Oh? And then what?" Mitsuri asked, excitedly. You could see the stars dancing in her eyes as you spoke about the man.

"And then... I got down on one knee, professed my love and he carried me to his place like his bride... just kidding, I grabbed my shit and ran."

"What?? Why'd you do that?? This could've been your chance!" She spoke softly yet excitedly.

"Chance for what?" you sighed. "You know I'm not interested in meeting anyone so soon after Henry"

"You get over things quickly y/n! And I'm sure Mr. Alleyway guy could help you forget all about him~" She said in a sing-song voice.

You scoffed, putting the plated dish on a tray for her to bring out to the customers.

Her words were absurd, you still needed time to heal, after all, being in a relationship with Henry was exhausting. Mentally and physically.

Ding! The bell from the front door rings, indicating someone had just entered.

Walking out from the kitchen you're expecting to see a random customer. But no. Fate had other plans.

Immediately you make eye contact with the man of your- Mr. Alleyway guy. You jump, quite literally, behind the wall and back into the kitchen, putting a hand to your racing heart.

After a few deep breaths, you peek from behind your hiding place to confirm what you just saw. He was staring straight at you. Immediately, you dip behind the wall once again.

"Genya! It's been so long since you've shown up! Are you getting your regular order?" You hear your sister's soft voice.

Oh no, he's a regular!

And his name is Genya...

As soon as Mitsuri made her way back into the kitchen, humming a soft tune, you roughly grab her elbow and pulled her into a corner and silencing her squeal with your hand.

"That's him!" You hiss.

"Who? Genya?" She asks, confused.

"Yeah, that's Mr. Alleyway guy!"

Mitsuri eyes your expression, taking note of the nervousness in your eyes.

"I don't see why you're getting so worked up y/n~" She teased. Now was clearly not a time for teasing. You were still embarrassed about the interaction with him.

The memory of how you stared at his face for way too long resurfaces and you immediately cringe. He probably thought you were a weirdo.

Mitsuri sighs "Well, he said he had something for you."

You lean over and peek behind the curtain separating the kitchen. Behind the counter, he stood awkwardly. You take this opportunity to study him. This time, instead of his uniform he wore some casual clothes. A pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt.

He notices your gaze and looks up from his phone, making eye contact, before lifting up his hand to reveal a roll of lace ribbon.

Eye widening, you jump back behind the curtain.

That ribbon! You knew something was missing from your art must've fallen out.

You took more deep breaths and calmed down your racing heart once again. Just go out there. Act like a normal person.

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