Chapter 8

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(^Photo not mine, I found it on Pinterest) 

Trigger Warning: Stalkerish behaviour, not from Genya or Y/n.

Chapter 8 - Forget me not

The late autumn day, that previously felt uncomfortably cold and wet, quickly turned perfect the minute you received notice of your promotion.

That and the good morning text from Genya asking if you'd like to meet him at the diner during his lunch break.

Everything was perfect, a little too perfect.

The calm before the storm.


You sat at a booth, mindlessly scrolling through your phone while sipping on your water.

You were excited, and maybe a bit nervous. You finally got a promotion which meant more money. And more money means more happiness. Because what else is there to be happy about anymore? The immediate image of Genya entered your mind, making your heart race.

You liked him, a lot more than you liked him before. That was obvious to almost everyone.

You liked the shared glances between the two of you whenever things got quiet. You liked the whispers and his exciting stories. You liked the dates he took you on.

You also liked his arms. And he was a good hugger, it made you wonder if he was also a good-

That's enough of that.

Wow, your neighbours were really rubbing off on you.

Trying to ignore the thoughts rampaging your mind, you turned your attention outside.

There was a white van that you swore kept driving by repeatedly - probably a child snatcher - an old lady walking a corgi, and Genya, approaching the restaurant at a distance.

When he saw you through the window, he smiled and raised his hand in greeting. You couldn't help but grin, excitedly waving back.

His pace picked up and before you knew it, he was sitting in front of you.

"Hey..." He whispered, slightly out of breath.

"...Hi" You whispered back.

His lips twitched into a smile, "I hope I didn't make you wait too long."

You shrug, playfully kicking him under the table. "I guess I can forgive you." You tease.

He snorted, playfully kicking you back.

You smiled, placing your head on your hands. "Sooo, anything new? We haven't seen each other in quite a while..."

It's been a week and a half.

Genya groans, "sorry about that, the job had me put into some more training."

"It's ok, I assumed that was the reason." You say with a laugh.

No you didn't. You thought he got tired of you. Genya sighed in relief and averted his eyes. He was worried that you thought he got tired of you.

The two of you fell silent, your eyes back to gazing out the window, eyes following the white van that drove by yet again.

"Anything new with you?" He asked.

You lit up. "I finally got my promotion!" You squealed, you really worked your ass off for that extra money.

Genya smiled excitedly, "Really?" We should celebrate... I can order us milkshakes?"

You gasped, the thought of the creamy sweet substance exciting you.

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