Chapter 6

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(Photo not mine^)

Chapter 6 - First Official Meetings

 "Do you think she'll want flowers? Or maybe chocolate? What is it that people get for their dates?"

An annoyed sigh came from the other end of the phone. "Why are you asking me?"

Genya sheepishly smiled to himself as he searched through his closet, "you're married to her sister, who else would I go to?"

He could see Iguro roll his eyes through the phone. "What about the white haired man?"

"Him? He's always scaring everyone off."

"And you're not?"

Genya picked out a long sleeved shirt and tried it on, trying to ignore the overwhelming scratching of insecurity.

"Do you know her type?" He asks, adjusting his collar.

Another sigh came across from the line "all her exes are idiots...especially...," Iguro hesitates.

"Especially?" Genya puts his phone on speaker and eyes it, before turning away and looking for a different shirt.

"Nevermind, she'll tell you eventually."

A hum of acknowledgement leaves Genya's throat as he continues to look around.

"I'm just worried she's not into guys like me. What if she doesn't like muscular guys? Or is bothered by scars? Or what if she doesn't like my hair?"

"She doesn't care about body type, or scars, I also don't think she cares about her hair, I've seen her with guys that looked stupider than you, which is surprising in itself." Choosing to ignore Iguro's verbal abuse, Genya picks up another short sleeved shirt.

"You sure she doesn't mind scars?"

Iguro's voice is now visibly irritated, "she goes after personality, I think."

Genya nods his head, then hums in acknowledgement after remembering Iguro can't see him. He puts down the pile of clothing he's collecting on his arm, and chooses the long sleeved option.

"And flowers? Do you think I should get some or not?"

"Don't overdo it, get something small and simple."

"I'll take the advice," Genya glances at his watch, "looks like, I'd better get going if I want to be there on time."

Iguro hums, "Hey Genya?"


"Don't fuck this up."

Genya laughs softly, "I won't."

"I'm serious, if Y/n's sad, Mitsuri will be too, and I promised to get rid of anything that makes my wife upset."

"... get rid of...?"


Genya rushes into a flower shop, and hastily greets the old woman at the counter.

"Hello ma'am, I was wondering if you have uh..."

The woman smiles kindly, "Flowers? This is a flower shop after all."

Genya nods, "a flower or two, something small and simple."

"For a date?"

Genya's face flushes red and he nods before looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

"Then, if you want, we can go with the classic red rose. I have a few that are in full bloom."

"That sounds perfect."


Genya checked the time on his watch while practically sprinting down the street to Mitsuri's restaurant. He was late, but only by a few minutes.

He dodged people like a madman as he repeated his script in his head, praying he wouldn't stutter too much while talking to you.

He let out a breath of relief as the restaurant came in his line of sight.

He stops at a crossing and looks around hastily before walking across. Just as he checks his watch once again, a car turns the corner and speeds by, missing him by a hair. Genya shaked his head, he couldn't risk chasing after a law breaker right now.

He safely crosses the rest of the street and stands outside the door of the restaurant, trying to calm himself down. He runs his hand through his hair and wipes the sweat off his forehead with the back of his wrist.

Then, with one last sigh, he walks inside, his heart almost beating out of his ribcage.

500+ words

(Thank you to my editor for helping me make this)

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