Chapter 3

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(Photo not mine^)

Warnings: attempted assault, alcohol consumption

Chapter 3 - Attraction

Genya Shinazugawa is a simple man with a decent but fulfilling life.

Though, it always felt like something was missing. Like he was forgetting something. A gnawing feeling would make its way to his gut at random times, becoming more noticeable when he was hanging around certain people or places.

Like at the diner where he's a regular.

He swore he knew her longer than he actually did. It was the feeling of similarity around her.

However, this gut feeling made him lose a good first impression.

And Genya liked having good first impressions.

Especially when it came to women.

It was why he was always so shy around them. Not wanting to make them uncomfortable, he'd just stay quiet, and as a result the whole situation would turn awkward.

Like when he'd just made the most terrible first impression on the woman of his dreams - literally, not figuratively.

He had stood in front of you, praying the shadows of the alley would hide the blush rising to his cheeks, though he knew his prayers were unanswered by the way you were staring him down.

Had you found him familiar too?

At that moment the gnawing feeling returned thrice-fold.

You felt so near, and yet so distant. It really didn't make a lot of sense.

He knew he'd seen you before, in a dream, and he'd heard that people can only dream of people they've met before. Perhaps he met you at a bar? Or at the diner? Where has he seen you before...?

Eventually, he decided to speak up.

"Do I know you from somewhere? I swear I've seen you before..."

Finally he was brave enough to meet your gaze.


You gave a small smile "Funny. I was about to say the same thing."

He stared at you while you stared back and after a few minutes you began to turn away.

"I should go." You stated and Genya couldn't help but feel disappointed. He watched as you picked up your bags, and rushed off, leaving him alone in the alleyway.

As he was about to get on with his day, something caught his eye.

On the floor, laid a new roll of lace ribbon.

Must've fallen out of her bags...


oh well, none of my business.

He should've walked away, especially after that awkward encounter, but his conscious wouldn't let him. Sighing, he crouched down and pocketed the roll of ribbon.


He didn't expect to see you again, especially not at the diner..

He was still wearing the same clothes he wore when he rolled out of bed. Holding the lace ribbon in one hand and lazily scrolling through his phone with the other hand.

He planned to give the ribbon to Mitsuri, thinking she'd have more use for it and thinking he'd never see you again.

But fate had other ideas.

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