Chapter 5

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(picture not mine i found it off Pintrest^)

Chapter 5 - Growing Attraction

It's been a week and a half since you've last seen Genya. Not like you've been counting every minute... no of course not.

The last 10 days have gone by without incident. You didn't see him at the restaurant, at the convenience store, or on news articles - that might be because you've been avoiding all those places like the plague, but moving on.

Your feelings were... confusing. You didn't love him – you don't think – you barely even knew him. But he made you feel fuzzy, like it was hard to breathe and you felt like choking on air when you saw him. He was the only thing that mattered in those moments.

You had long since figured out that you had some feeling of attraction towards the man - he was very attractive - but you wanted time to forget about your old haunting relationship before you considered someone new.

Genya, on the other hand, wasn't that confused about his realised feelings.

He knew he felt some sort of attraction to you, and he wanted to know more about you. Though it was hard when you were nowhere to be found for the last week and a half. Not like he'd been counting every of course not.

He decided that he would try and ask Mitsuri about you – smoothly. He's asked a few times now, just about your general well-being, and each time Mitsuri would give him that knowing smirk, with her brows slightly raised and her eyes full of mirth.

Since it was more than likely that Mitsuri already knew there was some sort of attraction between the two of you - she'd known for a while now - Genya decided he was going to finally gather up some courage.

He strode into the restaurant, the familiar Ding! going off when he walked through the door.

Iguro emerged from the kitchen, and stared at Genya blankly. "Your usual?" He mumbled, pressing buttons on the screen in front of him.

"Yeah- uh, is Mitsuri here? I wanted to ask her about- about-"

"About Y/n?" Genya gulped. "My wife hasn't shut up about the two of you in the last two weeks, wait here." And with that, the man disappeared into the kitchen and out of view.

Genya decided to occupy himself with his phone by scrolling through his notifications.

Stabbing in a local neighbourhood...

4sec ago

Instagram (2)

35m ago

Best brownie recipes of...

2h ago

"Genya!" Mitsuri emerged from the kitchen, motioning for him to come further down the counter so he wouldn't be in the way of customers. Genya complied.

"You wanted to ask me something?" Mitsuri pressed.

Genya nodded. "Um- Y/n..."

"Like I said, Y/n is doing alright."

Genya shifted his feet as he drew up courage. "No- well, it's good that she's doing better, but I wanted to ask something else."

Mitsuri's smile widened.

"You guys are sisters right?" Mitsuri nodded. "Is she," Genya hesitated, " is she seeing anyone?"

Mitsuri's smile could have lit up the whole city, "I knew it! I knew you were interested!"

Genya scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, waiting for an answer.

"Yep, she's single, want me to set you both up?"

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