Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Admiration 

The silence rang through Genya's ears painfully, and the awkwardness made him want to throw himself off the nearest cliff.

After that "moment" he had taken his seat, and you had started staring down at your menu, seemingly entranced.

Must be some menu if it's got her this hooked, considering that she'd have memorized it by now. Genya thought before shakily picking one up for himself and placing it, closed, on his lap.

His eyes darted across the restaurant, taking the time to appreciate all the new furniture he's somehow never noticed before. After a couple of minutes, he moved onto counting and memorizing every nook in the wall.

While on this mission, Genya's eyes eventually landed on the opening of the kitchen, where he was met with the image of a fuming Iguro, standing arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

TALK TO HER. His eyes seemed to scream.

Genya sighed and looked at you, weighing his options. On one hand he could continue his counting–he was at 73–and risk Iguro's wrath...or he could talk to you. Talk... to you. His hands shook a bit more violently.

Genya took a deep breath and started, "So..."

"So..." You repeated, finally looking up.

"I never realised you and Mitsuri were sisters." What a terrible conversation starter.

"Oh, yeah we don't look alike do we? We both have different dads and we've taken after them rather than our mother..." You trailed off, looking down at your hands.

"Ah, I guess that makes sense, you guys seem very close."

"We are. Mitsuri was the one who took care of me, and helped me figure things out."

Genya smiled and nodded, "older siblings are pretty admirable."

You hummed in agreement. "Sooo, you're a police officer? What's it like?"

Genya let out a breathy laugh, "well, it's tiring. Lately things have been quieting down but they still have me patrolling late at night sometimes, or taking care of a messy arrest. All that aside, it's rewarding."

You smiled in acknowledgement.

"I saw you working here a few times, are you uh... a cook?" He asked.

You shook your head. "I work part time here, I'm actually an artist." Genya's eyes widened slightly.

"Really?" He said, amazed.

"Well... kinda. I do commissions and sell paintings sometimes. But my main job is designing advertisements for this company, so I'm usually just busy with that near the holidays."

Genya hummed, "sounds eventful."

You giggled and shook your head once more, "not really..." Dammit why is my giggle so ugly.

Genya smiled widely at the sound and stifled a chuckle of his own.

The evening went on with the two of you so engaged in conversation that you didn't even notice that you had forgotten to order, or when your food was brought out either way, or when Mitsuri not-so-secretly snapped photos.

Eventually evening turned into night, and as the sun was slowly setting... so was Iguro's patience.

It didn't take long for the two of you to feel his nasty glare, silently urging you to pack it up and leave. Sharing a nervous smile, you both walked out, your bill mistakenly forgotten.

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