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beep beep beeep.

and im awake. the alarm has woke me up, for another day ahead.

I wish I could just chuck it at the wall, but that wouldn't be helpful. I messily throw on my uniform, tightening the already tied tie around my collar. I never learnt how to tie a tie, my dads not around enough to teach me and my mom never learnt how to either. 

I rush down the stairs, hoping one of my parents are home for once. my house is large, but my parents never take care of it, they are never home. until 11 they'd get me someone to look after me but they think I'm independent enough now.

there is no one in the kitchen. just a bowl of soggy cornflakes and a note.

"Heya honey, I won't be home till late today, dad isn't back until Saturday. I've left some leftover lasagne in the fridge, heat it up if your hungry!"

ugh, someone remind me to buy something else for dinner.

I throw away the soggy cornflakes and put my lunch into my bag. I then head out the door.

Monday's are my least favourite day. no good lessons or anything, just boring old shit like English and Geography. 

I'm at the school gates and Angelina is already here to talk at me. I don't know why I decided to start a gossip club with her, I hate gossip. It fits well with her image though, she never stops talking. 

"i was thinking, we hold it in the corner of the tennis courts at breaks and lunches?"


Ange is a great friend and all, but god does she talk. its like listening to a DVD a million times, it gets a bit boring.

"Dana, are you listening?"

-"Yes, I'm listening."

I really couldn't care less about what we do for the club, I'll probably just skip it half the time.

The teacher has just called the forms to get in line, Ange is in a different form to me. At least I no longer need to continue with that conversation. I sit next to my best friend, Anastasia, in form time. She is so nice to me, but when I chat with her I get weird looks. She says its because she's not well liked.

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