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I can see again. I check my phone, not a single missed call from either of my parents. its 4 whole hours after school ended. I've been in a room the size of my closet for 5 whole hours. 

I unlock the door, letting out all of the dead air inside exit and breathing in the fresh air of outside. I walk the empty corridors of the music corridors, thinking of what to do. I don't want to go home, I don't feel like having filler conversations with my parents half an hour from when they want me to sleep. I walk out of the school, which didn't have locked doors, for some reason, sounds like a very good way to get a ton of expensive equipment stolen.  

I decided to go to Ana's house, hoping it would give me some closure, some way to accept what happened. I get to her street, and slowly stroll down the road. it's a cold and dark night. I get to the end of the road, to where Ana's house should have been, but instead, all that was there was an abandoned house, which looked to have been in some form of fire at some point in its life, looking fully in ruin.

Tears started to roll down my eyes, realising that there was nothing I could do to fix or change it. At least I was in peace, knowing that there was nothing I could have done anyways. I decide to enter the abandoned house, just because I had nothing else to do, I didn't want to deal with my work addicted parents, who never really cared, but like to pretend they do. I open the door, it falls off the hinges when I move it, catching me off guard and causing me to almost fall over.

I realise something, this house has a similar layout to Ana's. No, not similar, the same. I walk to the kitchen, and I step into the dark room, with my phone flash on. I walk past the broken door, look to the other side, at the melted tacky linoleum floors. I walk towards the storage closet which stemmed off the kitchen. It felt much longer than it looked from the outside, almost a hallway of burned poverty. I walked to the end, where it seemed to widen out to a normal room.

I turn around to look at the hallway, only to be looking at the locked door of the empty music room I had started in, The lights were off again and I had no idea where my stuff was. The lights then flicker back to life, but now I had no key, no way to get out. I go to open the blinds, because even though its a 2 story high room, the window was my only way out, but when I lift up the blind, the window is gone, all the blind is covering is wall with a small lip from an old windowsill.

I sit back in the corner, defeated. I lean my head back, it hitting against the wall. I lean forwards again, holding the back of my head, in pain. Suddenly, the wall behind me slowly fell down, revealing myself in a black void, with no colour or defined walls, corners or edges.  Like a domino track, the walls all slowly fall, leaving rubble, a small carpeted area and a black void. I slowly walk off into the void, trying to find an end.

And then I find myself in a dingy, small room, surrounded by Anastasia, Andrew, Ange and miss dalls. 

we, as one.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz