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We started to head back to geography. Me and Ana were both very confused at the whole interaction. Who is Andrew? 

Once we were back in geography, it went back to normal, the class continued as usual, learning about nothing as usual. The whole entire incident peaked my interest, it was so out of the usual for me and Ana. We usually don't ever deviate from out normal lives, never having much interesting happen to us. I mean my parents are mostly absent, which is probably the most interesting thing in my life. 

I have decided to try and talk to Andrew at break, but god its difficult to talk to people I don't really know, because I think that they won't like me. I'm quite a lot, Russian immigrant parents who don't really care about me and are never at home, struggled with mental health problems near to the end of primary and start of secondary school, with a myriad of unusual hobbies which span from wood carving to shoplifting and vandalism and very bad fear and distrust of people. I am not what most people would call a friend, In fact I think Anastasia, Angelica and one boy in my primary school, David. Me and David don't talk anymore, time has cut us off. He used to make me happy, but he was not liked very much, which also tore us apart. 

It's finally the end of geography. Which means its now break. i walk out into the hallway, and go down to the lunch hall. I have money and could buy something to eat instead of my lunch, but im not hungry so I decide to see if I could spot Andrew in here. He is nowhere to be seen so I go to the art block, he seemed to like art, carrying a large sketchbook in his pocket all the time so I assume he's probably friends with one of the art teachers, most likely Mrs Hartworth or Miss Dalls, since Mr Addenbrooke only teaches year 11 now and Andrew is in one of the new forms, which the current year 11's aren't in because the forms were changed when I joined, so that we could have more students.

I get to Mrs Hartworth's class, she's my art teacher, and he is not there either, but in Miss Dalls' class, I see him, sat at the back, drawing.

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