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"what are you doing here?"

-"Andrew. I've been looking for you."

"why? just because your like me, doesn't mean we need to talk or be friends."

-"I would like to know more. About the... time stopping thing."

"Its not that fucking interesting, anne? what's your name again?"

-"Dana, and what do you mean its not fucking interesting? Time is stopping, and you say that's not interesting?"

"well when you get used to it, it just becomes something that you have. just like... never mind."

I was about to question what he meant by the random cut off but Miss Dalls was looking at me with a look that screamed "what the fuck are you doing?" 

-"Andrew come with me."

He wanted to hesitate, he wanted to stay but he followed anyways.

We went to the music corridor, where Ana plays drums at lunches and breaks. i knocked on the door of the music room, Gesturing through the little window for Ana to come outside. 


-"I went and found Andrew to explain to us what happened yesterday."

"okay, Andrew, explain."

"okay, look. Its been happening to me for ages. I don't really know how to describe it but its like time stops for everyone but me, and apparently you two. if I knew how to stop it or fix it or even explain it any better than that, I would. it drives me mad and it feels like no one believes me. Except for Miss Dalls, she believed me, said it happened to her too. she said she grew out of it by when she was an adult so im just hoping it happens to me to. can I go back to art now?"


and with Andrew gone, it was just me and Anastasia. Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the fluorescent tube lights of the hallway. Her hair was propped up into a bun to stop it from getting in the way while she played the drums



I realised something. Something I was scared about. Terrified, even. I loved her too much. Too much to be normal. 

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