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No. I refuse to believe that they have just... vanished. People can't just do that.

I can't find Andrew anywhere. I hope he's not gone too. I spot Ange on the tennis courts. She is the only person in the crowds of idiots playing football and the morons insulting random people for the hell of it and the introverts reading books by the fence who I recognise. I wade myself through the sea of football players to talk to her.


-"Ange! I've been trying to find you!"

"Where's Ana?"

the question hit me like a bullet. it's a question that should have felt completely normal, yet it felt like it sapped the energy right out of my soul. 


"where's Ana? your usually with her all the time."

-"I don't know"

"how the hell do you not know where your best friend is?"

I shrug my shoulders in response, and then walk away. the truth is, I still hope that she is somewhere in the school, and she just figured out a way to get out of there to play a mind trick on me. She'll be somewhere.

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