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I don't know how long I've been in here. I cant find the key. It has to have been over an hour, I heard a crowd of people leave at some point. My brain keeps circling their faces in my head. Andrew, Miss dalls, Ange and Ana. They all look a bit weird, like they've been changed in some way. Its like they're a part of me, their physical form vanished and formed us. We, as one.  We is a funny word, it implies there is multiple of us, but there is just me, with a piece of 4 different people floating around in my head. I hear their voices. Usually just repeating different phrases that they say often, or occasionally saying things that make no sense, like a randomly stringed together sentence.

They say things accusing me of atrocious acts occasionally. Hearing their voice hurts me, like hearing a recording of a dead loved one. Its like I lost my friends in reality, but found them again inside my head. A feeling of crippling sadness tears me in half, like I've been stabbed in the arm with a needle full of pure despair. I can hardly move, I feel overwhelmed with absolute pure numbness, a type of anhedonia that can only come from pure grief. 

Like nothing happened, the lights flash back on, flickering to life, like a person waking up after a deep sleep.

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