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"is she ok?"  said Ana, although it felt like it came from the walls of the room.

"we can't be sure, Anastasia." said another voice, although im not sure who's voice it is.

i look around the walls, identifying the walls as the walls of our schools medical room. I saw my parents waiting out in the hallway. they're here? something serious must have happened. they never come to the school, especially for something I've done in the school day. the schools student support worker was talking to my parents. I try to listen to what she's saying, but her voiced is muffled by the throbbing headache inside of my head, right behind my eyes, like a hammer was being hit against my brain. 

"...11.30 am.... not seen in lesson.... music practice room.... locked.... was unlocked by Mr Deans at 1:05 pm.... found unconcious.... wouldn't wake up"

this makes no sense, i locked myself in that room at 2:05, and the lights went out. What time even is it?

"we believe she took something."

I swear I didn't. I didn't take anything.

-"what is happening?"

my voice doesn't sound like mine. its slurred, and too deep to be me. I look down at my arms, my skin is pale as a piece of paper, everything is too bright, too full of colour

"dana, what did you take?" says the disembodied voice that was talking to Anastasia earlier.

She comes into my line of sight, revealing my form tutor, but her voice doesn't match anymore. each movement she makes creates many copies of her, moving just barely out of sync with her real body. I try to talk but my mouth wont move anymore, like its been superglued. I guess me talking earlier was just a fluke.

"I found an empty blister packet in her pocket, I don't know what it was, but its probably the cause. she took all of them" says another voice, coming from outside the room. 

I start to close my eyes. A sudden wave of severe fatigue overcomes me, weighing me down like rocks were attached to my eyelid, making them fall shut. I hear the chaos going on outside of my mind, but my eyes refuse to open.

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