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I locked eyes with Anastasia, the only moving person in a room of still statues of people. 

"why is everyone still?"

Her voice was different than it was before. deeper, sadder, maybe even older.

-"I don't know."

We decided to leave the classroom. No point in being in there, it's not like anything else will happen if we leave. We made our way through the newly bending hallways, that seem 10 times longer now than before. By the end of all the walking through winding hallways, we found ourselves near the music rooms. We sat on the floor in the large area outside of the rooms.

suddenly, we heard the creaking of the hallway door. 

"oh shit, are people moving again?"


"wait im not the only one who can move right now?" whispered the voice, like they were trying to hide their voice from us while speaking to us.

-"who are you?"

"no who the fuck are you?, why are you able to move? "

"I'm Anastasia and this is Dana."

-"now, who are you."

"I am Andrew."

-"Andrew, are you able to explain any of this to us?"

"Not really, no, but id recommend you go to your lesson, since I've been having these since I was 8 and they last about this long, and I get about 2 a day on average. I need to chart this when I get back to art."

And with that talk, Andrew sped down the hall and down the other sets of stairs.

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