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I rush out of the room.  There is no way she just... disappeared? There has to be some logical explanation, she can't have just completely vanished. I was rushing away, out of the music block, and then it happened again.

Time stopped. which you'd think would make it easier to find Ana, but she was still nowhere to be seen. I spotted Andrew, who was gesturing for me to go away and not talk to him. I practically had to chase him down to stop him and talk to him. 

"go away dana."

-"what? Andrew, Ana just disappeared. I asked her out and she freaked out, walked into her music room and completely vanished."

"no fucking surprise."

-"what do you mean by that."

"nothing, I've got to go."

he then sped down the hall again, sometimes I wonder if he ever gets told off by a teacher for doing that. not sure what to do, and where to go, I go into miss dalls' room. I didn't have miss dalls for art, so I rarely talked to her. 

-"hey miss dalls-"

I look to her desk, and she was gone. replaced with another woman, who I had never met before. 

"dear, you must have the wrong class, I haven't seen a miss dalls here before. I'm Mrs Jeane."

I look around, and miss dalls' posters were all gone, her amazing art had vanished and there was no trace of her existence at all. 

-"are you a new teacher?"

"no, I've worked here for 5 years. why do you ask?"

-"oh, nothing."

A panicked smile creeps across my face as I slowly walk out of the room. I then rush around, looking for Andrew. 

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