Chapter one (1)

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TW: Violence, sexual thoughts, mentions of character death (If you find anything else let me know and I'll add it)

"Did you heard what happened?"

"Poor boy, he was so young"

"I feel sorry for his family"

"Gosh people die everyday, what's an exception in this case?"

Hyunjin thought as he eavesdropped on people's conversation in his school. He knew from the news he heard this morning on his tv that a young boy Yang Jeongin was found dead near the school building. They said that it was a suicide and that he jumped from the last floor and well, Hyunjin's school is pretty big and tall so it's obvious he was gonna die from that jump. And Hyunjins should be sad, he should be devastated because he knew the boy. He was even best friends with him and he should cry and break down. His own mother called him this morning when she heard the news but he simply told her that he was fine and well, he really was fine. His friends death didn't affect him as much as it affected other people who didn't even know Jeongin as much as Hyunjin knew him. But well, people die and people live. That was the sentence that he told himself ever since he knew what it meant.

And maybe you can say that Hyunjin's mindset was fucked up (and it really was) but he didn't care. He didn't care what other people say or think of him. His only goal in life is to love to the end and if he can't do that, then, oh well.

Hyunjin was walking to his locker to get his books for the next period which was an excruciatingly boring English. Once he got there, he started to grab his books until something- or rather someone was thrown onto the locker next to him.

"P-Please leave me alon-"

"God y'all talk to much"

And Hyunjin didn't even bat an eye on the unfolding scenery next to him. And not because he was scared, of course not. He didn't because it wasn't his business and mainly because he didn't care much about that persons life. Not until a familiar voice called out to him.

"Aish... Ay Hyun! Good to see you mate"

"Hello to you too Chris"

"I told you to not be so formal! Just call m-"

"I know, but I hate that new name of yours so I'm not willing to use it"

"You're harsh man"

"Thank you"

Hyunjin looked at the poor boy who was trying to get up from the floor with blood in his mouth and hands. He narrowed his eyes and his sight went from the boy to his older friend.

"What did he do?"

"That dick told on me in the teachers room for smoking behind the school building and now they have to bring my parents here. Unbelievable! So he got a little something from me in return"

Chris smiled evilly at the small boy and made a sudden gesture with his fist up to scare the boy even more and he was successful. The boy's eyes widened and he quickly ran off.


Hyunjin thought as his eyes followed the boy but stopped when he turned around the corner and was no longer visible.

"And uhm, I'm sorry about Jeongin"

Hyunjin looked at his friend with dark eyes.

"I'm fine, I don't care"

There was a moment of silence between the two. Chris didn't know what to say at this point and Hyunjin- well he just didn't talk without a reason to, but now he was the first to start a conversation.

Love, Pain, Blood [LIXHYUN/HYUNLIX]Where stories live. Discover now