Chapter two (2)

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"Damn, you got some muscles dude"

The masked man said as he brought the knife to his preys throat.

"Get the fuck away from me you bitch"

The short man spat at the murderer's hand and saw how his face twisted with disgust.


The killer said, wiping his hand on the shorter's clothes.

"Now now, you got quite the attitude for a fucking hostage huh?"

He said taking off his mask to reveal his face to the man.

"As you know, you will die soon anyways so why not show my face to you? Do you like it? Am I pretty? Handsome? Do you like fire?"

The slaughterer said as he went to grab something, and that was when the man's face widened in horror.

"N-No, leave me alone you bitch!"

"Ahh... you're so vulgar... and aggressive"

The killer started to put some sort of liquid on his pray, and to the man it smelled like gas, which terrified the trainer even more. He tried to get out from the ropes which were wrapped around both of his wrist but he couldn't do it. As if he was too weak.

"You look so soaked... let's heat you up hm?"

"Wh-What? No!"

"Too late"

The man said as he flicked the lighter and threw it next to his prey, who was now screaming as he was dying a slow, agonizing death.

"You're screams are like music to my ears, see ya"

The murderer said as he exited the building, followed by the sounds of screaming and flames

And that's how a gym trainer named Seo Changbin died

Love, Pain, Blood [LIXHYUN/HYUNLIX]Where stories live. Discover now