29. A New Shade

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SS: MUMMY......
Crys Santu pouncing on Kaira and hugging her tightly on getting ragged by the 2 bullies, one snowwhite and one vantablack, locked inside the separate stalls, side by side.

DKS: Calm down Santu.. You are alright..
Says Kaira affectionately, gently patting Santu's back.

Santu, listening to the comforting words and remembering the truth they found out a day ago, comes out of Kaira's embrace at once to collide with another figure which had just entered the room,

BU: (pressing her chin) Ouch!! Did you see a real vampire this time, Santu??

SS: Looks like this stable is filled with bloody blood-sucking vampires..

N: Vampires!? You mean Karishma..??
Asks Neysa innocently to get a glare from Karishma.

Neysa, gulping down her dry throat,
N: I mean Pushpaji will be calling you that way right..?? So I just got confused.. Sorry..
Says Neysa causing Karishma to roll her eyes.

SS: I was talking about the stupid dark monster locked over there..
Says Santu pointing at a majestic true black hot-blooded stallion in a dark corner of the stable, which was trumpeting at Santu with its rage-filled round dark brown eyes fixed at Santu.

MJS: Cloudy.. Calm down!.. She is our friend..
Shouts Maya from the doorway to be audible to the annoyed creature.

KS: Cloudy!?

MJS: Yeah.. His full name is Meghapushpa, which means cloud-coloured flower.. But we call him Cloudy in short.. And the true white horse scratching against Cloudy is my buddy.. His full name is Vayujit, which means faster than the wind.. So we all call him Windy in short.. They are very good friends.. See how Windy is calming down Cloudy..

KS: (amazed) Wow.. Interesting.. I wanna ride Cloudy.. He is kinda.. different from other horses here!..

RK: Madam don't get fooled by his majestic looks.. He is the worst horse I have ever seen in my life..

KS: What do you mean?

RK: Yes madam.. He is impossibly aggressive.. He doesn't allow anyone to pat or even touch him except his friend Windy, Maya madam and his owner.. He doesn't even allow our ladies.. I mean our mares to go near him for mating.. You saw a Akhal-teke out there na?

DKS: You mean the golden colored mare?

RK: Yes her.. She has a huge crush on him.. But this useless guy is not at all responding to her.. That poor lady is soo depressed you know.. She is having so many mood swings lately because of this idiot..
Says Ramukka to get a squeal from Cloudy.

RK: Arey Chup Nalaayak.. I am not this kid to get scared by your squeal..
Says Ramukaka causing the Cloudy to turn away it's face away.

KS: He understands what we say!?

MJS: Yes Karishma.. These two guys are so intelligent.. They understand everything we say, and they can even sense our feelings, emotions, and moods.. Horses are experts at reading people's minds..

Karishma steps towards the stall, only to be stopped by the hostler.

RK: (freaking out) Arey where are you going madam..??

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