63. Gain & Loss

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HM: No, I wasn't in touch with anyone after my accident except Chaaya. However, I had a few people keeping an eye on Barbie and Neysa as they were potential threats to us. When I moved to Varanasi with Ammi, Chaaya sold off all the assets, tenders, and projects of JSRE to other companies. Neysa, who had been working with us for seven years, demanded her share. Instead of accepting crores, she, being the emotional person she is, asked for ownership of JSRE and the non-profit organization MJST. She made Barbie the CEO of both organizations, hoping to clear the allegations against them and rebuild in the future. Maya madam left for the Czech Republic in January. I stayed in Varanasi and tried to be the "Haseena Mallik" my ammi and abbu always wanted me to be. Life was finally peaceful after so many years, but I knew deep down that peace wouldn't last until I dealt with our rivals. However, I couldn't take direct action against them as SHO Haseena Mallik, or else CBI and RAW would start suspecting me. That's when I decided to use my most powerful weapon, Sub Inspector Karishma Singh.

KS: Wait, are you saying you were my secret informant? The one who used to send me tips through email?

HM: Yep, that was me. You helped me put all our rivals behind bars. Thanks, Karishma Singh, for having my back even before I became your senior. Your help was invaluable to us.

KS: (sighing dejectedly) Now please don't tell me you're the one who planted the bomb at MPT...

HM: You know me too well, Karishma Singh. You guessed it right.

KS: But why!? Why would you bomb MPT? It's practically our second home!

HM: Chaaya!... Chaaya wanted to keep Rudra's promise to his boss about finding Karu. So, after we got rid of all our enemies, she convinced me to bring Maya and Kaira here. We couldn't call them directly, so I planted mini bombs at our station to grab their attention and bring them to Lucknow. Kaira applied for a transfer, and Maya booked tickets to India, thinking someone from the underworld was after me. Once they were here, I couldn't talk to them directly because I was pretending to have lost my memory. Our only option was to get Karishma close to them and guide her to the truth so she could later tell Maya and Kaira. Everything was going according to plan, with the goons and sniper attacks, until SHO Misri messed things up by making Karishma find out about the Queen of Dark. Instead of focusing on finding Karu, Karishma started chasing the Queen. Then we had the get-together, and I messaged Kaira to come to the mansion. I even faked a robbery at the MPT to buy us some extra time to complete our mission. But once again, our plan was derailed by that psycho. So, we had to change the plan again, and I pretended to have split personality disorder to avoid Madam's and Kaira's questions and to fulfill Rudra's promise. With my master's degree in psychology, fooling Vicky and the other doctors wasn't difficult, but Neysa... She always doubted me. I didn't mind her doubting me, but she went further and tried to sabotage the accounts where I had my money deposited. She even turned Chaaya against me, saying I wouldn't give her share of the money and properties because everything was still in my name. Chaaya and I had a big argument over a video call, and she canceled all her vacation plans to Europe and booked her flights to India. But, alas! She had an accident on her way to the airport in Medan, Indonesia...
Haseena says, making a sad face, while Karishma glances at the screen displaying a newspaper clipping of the accident with Chaaya's photo.

KS: (suspiciously) Was it really an accident!? or...

HM: (smirking) Don't worry, Karishma Singh. You won't find a single piece of evidence to prove my involvement in the accident.

Haseena shifts her gaze to the white screen, now displaying beautiful photos of Chaaya with Haseena, Neysa, and Rudra, one by one.

Karishma watching the sweet moments being displayed on the screen,
KS: How can you do this, Maddam Sir!? How can you kill someone who was this close to you!? You are someone who treats dangerous criminals with humility... No... I can't believe this!

TALAASH - Reliving the PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora