43. Storm & Rainbow

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Forenoon 11:20 AM,
T-Square, Lucknow

The busy streets of Lucknow were buzzing with activity as the sun had already began his usual marathon towards the west, blessing the earth with his bold and bright rays.

Inspector Kaira Singh, SHO of Mahila Police Thana, sat at a modest tea stall along with her juniors Assistant Sub-Inspector Barbie Upadhyaya, Constable Riya Rathore, and Head Constable Divaakar Pandey, enjoying her steaming cup of tea with a peculiar peace warming her cold heart.

As Kaira takes a sip from her steaming cup, Barbie couldn't help but notice the simple friendship band adorning Kaira's wrist. She exchanges a glance with Riya, and the two of them share a look of sadness, which goes unnoticed by their senior.

Riya, always the outspoken one, finally musters the courage to ask,
RR: Maddam Sir.. If you don't mind, shall I ask you something!?
DKS: (without taking her eyes off her tea) Sure!

Getting her senior's permission,
RR: (in a polite tone) We've been working together for almost three years now, and in all this time, you've never accepted any friendship bands or gestures of friendship.. Even on friendship day, you didn't allow us or the civilians to tie it to you but suddenly you're wearing one now.. Why?

Kaira's piercing gaze meet Riya's, and for a moment, she remains silent mentally slapping her for summoning the sleeping lioness.

Watching Riya's scared face, Kaira lets out a sigh,
DKS: Riya.. I've made it clear from the very beginning that I have no place for emotions, relations, or friendships in my life..
Says Kaira in a gentle tone.

Barbie, unable to hide her disappointment, says,
BU: But Maddam Sir.. We've always considered you as a mentor and a senior we can look up to.. We always wanted to be more than just your colleagues..

Kaira looking at her disappointed colleagues, she speaks in a soft tone,
DKS: Barbie you guys are more than just colleagues to me.. You're the team I rely on.. The only people I trust in my life.. But personal attachments have never been a part of my life philosophy..

A curious Divaakar chimes in saying,
DP: Then why the change now Maddam Sir?

Kaira leans back and retrieves her smartphone from her pocket. She scrolls through her photo gallery until she finds the video she was looking for.

She turns the screen towards her colleagues, showing a video where a sleek Black Jaguar XJ enters into the opulent premises of the JaiSingh Real Estate's Headquarters.

As soon as the car rolls past the imposing gates, the guards, attired in sharp uniforms, stationed all over what seemed to be an uncharted royal fort, snap to attention and offers salutes with utmost respect and sincerity.

As the car makes it halt near the entrance to the Headquarters, one of the guards sprint towards the car and open the door.

A lady with a pair of sunglasses and a mask on, dressed in a meticulously tailored black suit teamed up with a crisp white shirt, her ebony black hair pulled back in a flawless ponytail, strides towards the entrance, her every step exuding authority and commanding respect.

The powerful aura the lady carried in hardly a minute long clip had left the team MPT in absolute awe.

Riya grabs the mobile from senior's hand and rewinds the video exchanging confused glances with Barbie while Divaakar say,
DP: Maddam Sir.. Isn't that lady we have been looking for.. I mean you have been looking for since you joined the force??.. Finally you got a clip of her??..

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