Percy X Nico (Brotherly love! Request)

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(Nico's POV)

Will and I sat staring out over Long Island Sound. We were just past camp barriers where the temperature wasn't magically controlled anymore.

Will had told me that it wouldn't be too cold and so I hadn't come very well equipped. I regretted it now, as I shivered in my old bomber jacket. My body was being pierced by the cold of the fallen snow.

Will noticed and had offered to go back to get me a jacket, but it was too late and we'd definitely get caught if we went back. So, I declined. Though it was cold and I was shivering, it was worth seeing the look on Will's face. He was enjoying himself so much, it wasn't even funny.

As a medic, Will rarely ever got to leave camp. I'd travelled the world and the underworld on dangerous quests and wished I could share the beauty of what I'd seen with Will. Of course, I'd wish only the beauty on Will. He was much more sensitive than I was, and if he saw the true horrors that I did, it would break him.

I glanced towards Will, who was sighing like a kid on Christmas and he frolicked through the snow. He put his hands down and gathered some snow and before I realised what he was doing, a huge snowball hit me in the torso.


"Sorry! Did I hurt you?" Will asked, guiltily.

"No, but I'm going to hurt you!" At once I was on my feet and Will and I were slinging snowballs at each other with alarming speed until our bodies gave out under us, and we collapsed in the snow.

I really wished I'd brought a better jacket.


Another chill racked through me as I sneezed again.

Tissues surrounded me on my coffin-bed and the light coming in through the windows hurt my eyes.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Percy strolled through with a huge grin on his face.

"Nico! You up for some capture- what the hell happened to you?" His grin faded when he saw me wrapped up under the sheets surrounded by a halo of tissue.

"Will and I went to play in the snow and-" I coughed. "And I didn't take a good jacket..."

Percy's face morphed into irritation.

"You know you're supposed to be taking care of yourself, right? What were you two doing past camp borders anyways?"

"Will wanted to play in the snow. So, I joined him, it's not a big deal I-"

"Nico, you're sick!" Percy exclaimed.

"Oh come on. Why are you being a hypocrite? If Annabeth wanted to go climb Everest you'd join her, wouldn't you? You'd go even if I killed you."

Percy blushed and looked away. "That's different," he mumbled lamely.

"How so?"

"Fine, I conceed. Let me go get you some breakfast." He said.

"I'm not hungry." My stomach rumbled. "Okay, scratch that. I'm famished."

"What would you like to eat?"

"Whatever is left. I don't think I'll have much of a choice."

Percy snickered. "I have some pull in the kitchen. Tell me what you'd like."

I felt a smile slowly spreading on my face as I named my ideal breakfast.

Percy turned to leave as I called out to him.

"And Percy? Please don't tell Will. He won't forgive himself if he finds out."

Percy nodded and shut the door behind him.


(Percy's POV)

I got Nico his breakfast and hung around with him, trading funny stories until he fell asleep.

I dusted the bed of all the dirty tissues and tucked him in more comfortably. Nico was still a kid, and probably always would be to me. He'd been through much more than any of us, and the truth is, he loved affection whenever he got it, even if he'd never admit that.

I patted his head and pulled his dark hair away from his face gently. I mopped his sweaty forehead- a good sign that his fever was going down- and glanced around to see if there was anything else I could do to make him comfortable. Once I was satisfied, I quietly closed the door behind me.

Tyson was due back from the forges this evening, so I went to go clean up the cabin.


Time must have passed quickly while I was cleaning, because there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called.

Nico strolled in, looking much better that he did this morning.

"Hey, Champ."

"Hey, Percy."

"You're looking better."

"Yeah, I'm feeling better. Thanks for looking out for me. You know, if you weren't such a great fighter, I'd have lumped you in with the Apollo kids."

I laughed. "Are you saying the Apollo kids can't fight?"

Nico's eyes went wide and he blushed.

"Me? No- I... Crap. Don't tell Will I said that, please!"

"You're good, I won't tell him."

"Hey Percy...? I got you this." Nico held a dark bead in the flat of his palm. "I found it when I was in the underworld. Dad said that it's a charm to help keep bad spirits away. I was going to give it to Will, but I think you need it more."

"I can't take that from you, Nico." My voice was thick with emotion.

"Please, Percy. I have no use for it. And frankly, neither does Will. Please, take it."

I stared at Nico for a moment and then reached out take the bead. I undid my camp necklace and slid it on. The bead felt cool against my skin.

"Dad enchanted it. He said that if the person I gave it to ever faced danger, I'd know. And that's why I'd like to give it to you." Nico admitted.

I took a step forward and hugged Nico. He hugged me back, immediately.

"Thank you for being the elder sibling I needed, Percy."

"Thank you for being the younger sibling, I wanted, Nico."

I patted his head again just as Tyson burst through the door.

"Percy, brother! Nico!" He grabbed us both in a peanut butter scented hug, easily lifting us both off the floor.

"Hey, Tyson! How's it going man!"

Tyson set us down and grinned.

A long story was about to ensue.

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