✧6: an interrogation✧

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Once all the skeletons were gathered in the living room some wasted no time and immediately started with their questions. You could barely hear anyone saying anything as their voices overlapped one another. "Woah, slow down. One at a time please."

Sans was smart with his question. "so, how'd we end up here?" You had a sneaking suspicion about what could have caused it, but it was broken which left no way to check. Not that you'd know how to fix it anyway. So you just said, "I dunno."

Lust was a bit more gentle with his question, probably thinking if he were nicer he'd get more out of you. "did you do this, darling?" Again, sneaking suspicion and no way to check. Plus, the last thing you're telling them is that you might be responsible. That's just asking to be skewered like a kabob. "No."

Ink held up your tablet, a bright grin on his face as he looked at one of your WIPs. "What is this magical picture display? And who made this drawing here?" This surprised you. Had he really been going through your stuff when you were out? "That's called a tablet. And it's mine, so please just put it back." Ink turned off the tablet and pouted but didn't make any move to put it back, instead laying it in his lap with his hands on top. You might've considered the look he had cute if you weren't currently bothered by the sight of him still touching your belongings.

"Why Is Your Kitchen So Filthy? It's Barely Suitable For Any Sort Of Cooking!" Blue probably didn't mean anything by it, but his question kinda stung. You weren't the tidiest person ever and didn't clean much, but your kitchen was relatively mess-free. "I don't know what you're talking about? It's never that bad..."

"hey, do ya got any other snacks around here?" Horror asked next, and you could see the bits of food stuck to his clothes and around his perma-grin as one of his fingers picked at his teeth. Oh. So that's what Blue had meant. "No. Whatever you ate in there was probably everything I had." Besides the stash of snacks in your closet, but there's no reason to let him in on that.

Error laid in a hammock hung in your corner, his question blunt and his tone annoyed. "yoU haVe onE goOd rEaSon I sHoUldN't Kill yOu rigHt nOw?" Dust had been balancing a bone on his finger and now looked over at you as well, silently asking the same thing as you could see the faint red glow of his eyelights boring holes in you.

You couldn't help but look away from Dust's intense stare. "You need me for cover 'cause I'm pretty sure any reasonable person seeing a walking talking skeleton through my window would freak out and call the police. I can smooth things over if it ever gets to that." Your eyes trail back over to the brand-new hole in your house, your eyes narrowing and your lips thinning into a line. "Also, you blew up my wall."

You look back over to Error. "Someone's gotta fix that, and I can't explain it to a contractor so one of you has to help-" Error just rolled his eyes and turned away from you, making you huff. The nerve of this guy. Dust seemed satisfied with your answer, and turned his attention back to his little game.

"ugh...why is everything upside down...?" You turn to the couch to see Cross sitting up next to Lust. He held a hand on his forehead as he looked around him. "where am I?" You bit back a laugh at the confusion on his face. "Hey there. You were out cold for a while. Why? I dunno." Cross's gaze shifts to you, to all the other skeletons, and then to Ink, his eyelights silently asking something as his hands tensed by his sides. Ink gave him a look back before he relaxed back into his seat.

Fell had been sleeping through this whole thing, and Swap poked him awake. "Hey, Edgy Guy. Do You Have Any Questions For The Human?" Fell woke up with a start and promptly shot bones in Swap's direction. Swap side stepped and they went flying into the kitchen, and the sound of something breaking was heard seconds later. You sigh, your mouth twisting into a look of contempt,  with a bit of exasperation. 'This is gonna cost so much to fix...'

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