The midsummer Void

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The screams of thousands echoed around me. It was that time everyone dreaded. As black flames raged around us, people were falling, our homes were burning. The king and queen were dead. The sacrificial mountains were burning in the path of the void.

The void, the void, it was supposed to be over. The war was supposed to be finished. And yet all of us burn and scream in the midst of the grey and purple smoke. The kingdom burned and i could only hope the princesses made it out okay. The princesses, not a single soul seemed to care about them anymore as we fight for our own lives.

I continued to run towards the docks, my mind full of questions and fear. Ships were leaving the harbor and going god knows where. Where was our god now? I spotted two girls being trampled over. Not a single person stopping or bothering to go around the children. I ran towards them, pushing people as i went.

I reached the girls and didn't waste a second picking them up and carrying them towards the final boat. The occupants tried to say there was no more room, but i didn't stop trying. After more arguing they took the children. One of the girls looked at me, eyes full of horror. I couldn't get on the boat. The boat sailed away, leaving me standing there, surrounded by the void that killed us all.

What happens now?

A/n: AAAAH!? Was this okay? I hope so. I decided to try something new since I've always been obsessed with fantasy/pirates and things like that. The zombie series will be finished if you've read those. If you haven't

Maybe don't torture yourself 😭 i think this one might be enough. Seriously though I've drawn the characters so you can get a general idea. I will have them in a separate chapter you can look at titled "characters". And I'll be adding more as the story goes on.

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