on sight

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Alora didn't respond, she only reacted. And so did Warheart. Before anyone else could even process what was happening, Alora and Meeri were running at each other. They tumbled over a couch and wasted no time getting up to fight. They swung with their hands a few times, both moving swiftly and without error.

Alora and Warheart pulled their knives out and swung again and again. They dodged blow after blow, basically dancing around the room. Leon remained speechless, not even noticing the man who brought them there had left. "uh-"

"Shut up Leon" was all he needed to hear. He said okay and leaned against the wall, watching the two fight it out. Alora waited for warheart to swing again. When she did Alora dodged and kicked her leg. As warheart stumbled forward, Alora put her hand against her chest and backed her towards the wall. As soon as Warhearts back hit the wall, they both held a knife to each others throats.

Warheart laughed. Alora's face remained unchanging but Leon was extremely lost. "You haven't changed a bit." "Neither have you." The girls removed their knives from each other's throats and stepped apart.

"Is she always like this to you?" Warheart was speaking to Leon. "I'm currently afraid to say yes." Warheart laughed and patted her sister on the shoulder. Alora shoved her hand away and stepped in front of her. "just tell us why we're here."

Warheart scoffed in disbelief. She rolled her eyes and laughed at her sister. "You come in here, immediately try to fight me, and then demand answers? Not even a 'hello my favorite little sister it's been so long! How are you?' are you kidding?" "I didn't try to fight you, I clearly won."

"If that's what you have to tell yourself. Now tell me, who's your friend?" "We're not friends." " Okay, first of all, ow. After everything we've been through? I'm devastated you still won't admit your undying love and loyalty to me."

As Leon approached, Alora scarily and sarcastically smiled at him. He looked between her and Warheart before he finally felt a wave of pain. He hunched over as he said "Please stop hitting me in the ribs."

"Stop being an idiot. That's not allowed in Ryuusborough, remember? Which makes me wonder how you ended up here too." Warheart laughed and stuck her hand out towards Leon. "I'm Meeri, Aloras favorite sister."

Leon managed to recover enough to take her hand. "Leonidas, but Leons cool. Alora didn't say she had a sister." "Of Course she didn't. She never liked to admit we were." Pain painted Meeri's face as she turned away. Alora looked anywhere but at her or Leon.

"Come with me. We have a lot to discuss." She motioned for a couple guards to put the couch back in standing position. "Like your horrible nickname?" "I didn't ask for it, trust me." "Can't blame me if i don't." They walked through long, stone hallways. They were almost Crystal white but weren't sore to the eyes. Golden lights lined the hallways as gold lined the marble floor.

"You were the one who left, not me." Meeri opened a massive dark wooden door. It led into a large room with a desk in the middle. To the right was a bed, a canopy made of Crystals rained down the sides. To the left were obnoxiously large bookshelves. Alora almost bet Meeri didn't read more than a few of the books on them.

"I feel like I shouldn't be here for this conversation-" "shut up." Alora and Meeri both spoke. They rolled their eyes at each other and Meeri sat behind her desk. She motioned for the two to sit in the chairs in front of her. "You two really are sisters."

"I don't know, are we LoLo?" Alora laughed at her old nickname. "I wasn't aware you're still two years old." "You wouldn't know, would you?" "What's that supposed to mean?" "You know exactly what it means." Meeri stared daggers at Alora. Alora swallowed hard, she was growing angry. Leon knew her when she was frustrated, but he did not want to be here when she became angry. He knew Meeri would be angry as well, and it wouldn't be nice.

"I don't. I came here for answers. If I knew them do you think I'd be sitting here right now?" "You came here for answers about the box, not me." "No answers are needed for you. You escaped the ship without me and didn't even say goodbye." "Personally i feel like we said goodbye way before that." "You're overdramatic." "You're under-emotional." "That doesn't even make sense."

Leon could smell an argument brewing so he put his hands in the air to create a time out. "Look, whatever beef you two have, needs to wait. Phailin and this box are more important." "Ah yes, Phailin, the girl you got killed, didn't you?"

Alora wanted to say no. That it wasn't her fault. But she knew Phailin died for them, because of them. So it was. "It wasn't her fault. Phailin made her choice to help us." "Because I imagine Alora was being stubborn." "Alora tried to keep Phailin away from the forest and she did. Phailin died because Addersmell got invaded, and she died to save us, so we could find you."

Alora couldn't stand Leon most of the time. But right now, she was grateful for him. "Invaded?" Meeri's face twisted in a guilty way. She tried to mask it with confusion, but Alora knew her sister. "They were the usual picture perfect pirates. Big, scary, and out for blood. We don't know what they were looking for, but we imagine it wasn't good."

Meeri was quiet. But Alora could always hear everything. "I should've known better." Meeri turned around in her chair and stood up. She walked back and forth between the two large windows in the back of the room. She was thinking, and Alora knew she got reckless when she thinks.

"You knew they were going there, didn't you?" Meeri didn't answer. "you don't get to blame me, and ignore me, if you were responsible, not me!" Alora slammed her hands on the desk, the gravity of what she just said weighing the room down.

"What did you just say?" "You know what i said, and I meant it." Alora didn't flinch, she didn't blink, and she didn't respond back as Meeri threw a knife at her. The blade hit just under Alora's eye, leaving a long bloody trail along her cheek. The knife fell to the ground behind her, and still she did not move.

"Looks like i gave you that scar a second time." "I've given you worse, just be grateful it's not on your face, yet. Maybe if you give me enough reason to. " Meeri tensed at Aloras constant jabs. But she needed Alora's help, as much as Alora needed hers. So she chose to deal with it.

"Just tell me if Phailin died quickly." "Unfortunately not." Meeri just looked at the floor and sadly nodded her head. "Well at least she did what i asked." "What are you talking about?" " I knew you'd leave that boat one day. Before she left Ryuusborough i asked her to look out for you. And if you ever showed up, to send you here."

Leon was silently processing the words he was hearing. Everything felt like one punch after another. Alora also stayed silent, waiting for Meeri to get to the point. "I need your help just as much as you need mine. And while you haven't exactly proven to be a great sister, I'd at least hope you wouldn't leave me, and everyone else to die... Like we had to as kids."

"Meeri for the love of god, stop dancing around whatever is going on!" "You don't even believe in god, so you must really need my help if you said his name instead of the ocean." Alora was half a second away from delivering the promise she made moments ago.

"If you don't tell me what you did, you better hope one is real and willing to forgive you." Meeri turned around and sat in her chair. "I know Hadeon sent you after the box. And you're in deeper shit than i am, but believe it or not he's not our biggest problem."

"Are you after the box?" "I would never go after something so stupid. I'm after something else, but in order to find it I do need the box. At least part of it." "You need part of it?" "I need part of what's inside. It'll benefit both of us, hopefully." "Why would anything you do benefit me?"

Meeri has thought about this conversation for thirteen years. And yet she doesn't even know where to begin telling Alora what happened to them, to their home. She really didn't remember anything? She knew Alora wouldn't believe her.

"We can go home."

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