A not so old friend

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Dawn was just breaking on the horizon as Leon and Alora arrived on the other side of Addersmell. No other boats were around, as the old docks had been abandoned. Uneasiness settled on both of them, knowing they weren't there for delicious desserts this time.

This side of the land was basically empty besides trees and a few woodland creatures. Odd colored mushrooms grew along the ground and Alora picked one up. Leon had to tell her not to eat it. Of course he knew from experience. She threw it back on the ground and they kept walking.

The woods weren't very big as it didn't take long to spot Addersmell in the distance. The pair made their way down the hills and towards the back of the town. They needed to avoid detection from the villagers. The once friendly faces, would now be hostile towards them.

"I know a secret way into where we're going but you may not like it. He eyed her clothes and looked back up at her. She knew it was going to be wet, dirty, or both wherever they were going and groaned. "These were expensive." "Sorry princess, I'm sure my friend can help you out." Leon smiled and led Alora past the houses.

They made their way towards a massive river and stopped somewhere in the middle. "Can you open your eyes underwater?" "I don't know." "You don't know?" "I've never gone in the ocean, just been stuck on it my whole life." "Huh." Was all Leon said before jumping into the crystal clear river.

Alora just looked at Leon, and he looked at her waiting for her to jump in. She sighed and got into the freezing water. She would kick his ass for this later if it wasn't worth it. "It's a small space just so you know. I can fit so you'll be fine but, y'know you're not... Scared of small spaces right?" "I'm not afraid of anything." "The spooky ghost may say otherwise."

Before Alora could assault him with splashes he started to swim away. She followed behind as they swam slightly down the river into a deeper part of the water. The water went from a bright blue to a dark blue and Alora could no longer stand up in it.

"Why couldn't we just walk here?" "Because that's boring." Alora decided killing him if this wasn't worth it was a better idea. Leon went under the water and Alora tried to look for him. He was under the water for a while and Alora didn't know if she should search for him or not.

While she was thinking she felt water splash behind her, followed by laughter. "the doors open spacey." Was all Leon said before disappearing back into the blue abyss. Alora followed and tried to open her eyes. It stung like hell but she focused on Leon.

They swam into a tunnel and it slowly ascended upward. Leon climbed up first and reached his hand down to help Alora. She rejected and pulled herself up. Alora was right, the entrance would be wet and dirty. She made a mental note that Leon would owe her new clothes.

They crawled through the remainder of the tunnel and reached a second door. Leon pushed the handle as hard as he could but it didn't open. "Well that's not fun." "Here." Alora handed him a knife, hoping he wouldn't break it. If he did, it was being added to the list just under new clothes.

Leon shoved the knife into the corner of the handle to loosen whatever was blocking it. He pushed the handle again and the door opened. Leon and Alora climbed out, now smelling like mold and shit. "What happened to you two?"

"Wow, not even a hello?" "You don't deserve one after the last time you were in here." "It was an accident!" "I'm keeping that comment to myself." Alora had an idea she knew what the girl was thinking, and she laughed.

"Alora." "Phailin." The girls smiled at each other, but Phailins quickly changed when she seen Alora's clothes. "Leonidas Vídarr look what you have done to her!" Leons face cringed as if being scolded by his mother. "It was either her clothes get a little dirty, or we get caught and executed in the middle of the town."

Phailin sighed and briefly left the room to get Alora a new pair of pants. Alora liked these ones better. "This is coming out of your pockets Leon." Alora 'hmmd' in agreement as Leon looked defeated. "Yeah yeah I know. But that's not important right now." "I know." "You know?" Alora and Leon both raised their eyebrows in a questioning way.

"I knew the moment Alora showed up in my shop. And you should not be going after that box." "How did you know?" Alora asked and Leon filled her in. "Because she's the one who basically babysits it. It's her superpower to know when someone is looking for it."  "And only a fool would do so. Why do you need that box?" "That's what we're trying to figure out."

Alora went into the changing room to swap pants while Phailin and Leon spoke. "Why did you tell her about the box." "Hadeon sent her after it and we need to know why." "You should've left it alone Leon you don't even know her." "She's not an evil demon like the one in the cemetery." Phailin rolled her eyes and rubbed her hands on her face.

"You'll die getting that box. And if you don't die getting the box, you'll die at the hands of the townspeople. She killed a man and fled, with you helping her escape." "But you know it wasn't for nothing." "Of course I do, but the townspeople don't care about that." "Yeah I've learned. So much for the city of light." "I can't have her dying Leon, someone needs her."

Alora came back and Phailin took the ruined pants from her, throwing them away. "just tell us what is so scary about a big piece of wood." Alora said as she went to stand next to Leon. Phailin took her place back behind the counter and sighed.

"It isn't just a box. It's made of black matter that's almost unbreakable. The silver lining keeping it shut is unmeltable. No one knows for sure what's inside. We just make assumptions based on the stories we've heard." "What stories?" "Not ones you wanna hear, not from me." Alora had no idea what that was supposed to mean.

"The box supposedly holds a dark power, or a dark object. Last time it was opened it destroyed everything in its path." "You're saying a box, somehow went all over the continent, and destroyed a bunch of things?" "It's difficult to explain alright? Just listen to me when i say do. Not. Open. It. More importantly, don't even look for it. Just go home, both of you."

"This was your grand idea? She's not even telling us anything." "Alright alright just relax. Nyx please, we need to know what Hadeon wants with that box. Why would he send Alora after it instead of getting it himself?" "I can't be certain but I imagine nothing good. Whether it's him or her opening the box it won't go well."

Alora felt a headache coming in trying to understand what Phailin was saying. "Do you know what the hell it actually is or not?" She was growing impatient. "Not for sure BUT I've heard it's possibly a weapon or a kind of artifact of some sort." "An artifact?" "Of some sort. Y'know like ancient evil and all that."

Alora threw her hands in the air in disbelief and walked away. She leaned against the wall and left the talking to Leon. "Okay, but if we get our hands on the box, Hadeon doesn't need to know." "He will know, that's the problem." "But we can stop him." "You're gonna kill the destroyer? The king of hell itself. The god of death. Yeah good luck with that."

"No no no, but we can slow him down right? We sailed in on the other side of the island. Nobody knows we are here but you." "Which means if Hadeon finds out we have the box, we'll know it was you." Alora stated from across the room. Leon just pointed a thumb backwards to say 'what she said'.

"So you can help us draw a map to the box." Leon motioned Alora over and she put the map she drew on the counter. "We go get it, and we get out of here. Nobody looks for the box so it would be at least a few days before Captain Hadeon would realize we found it."

Phailin hated every word coming out of Leon's mouth. She knew they needed the box, but she was not going to tell them how deep the story really goes. Or how to use it. "It's a suicide mission." Alora spoke again. "It's a suicide mission regardless because either way, we're fucking with the captain of the sail of souls." Phailin knew she was right but she was trying to save them from a fate worse than death.

Death would be better than what the box would bring.

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