The Destroyer

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The massive ship got closer, and much larger. It casted shadows over Aloras pathetic boat. Alora went down to the bottom of her ship and hid in a room. She put the crates in here once she consumed most... All of the beer. She knew if someone were to lift it with her inside they would know it wasn't beer.

She rubbed her hands on her face in defeat. Alora looked around until she spotted a small barrel. It was a stupid collectable one of the boys had bought ages ago. But as stupid and useless as it was, it gave Alora an idea. A horrible one.

She snuck her way out of the room and into a different cellar type of area. They had barrels of beer and water in the room. Water clearly wouldn't work if they were to look in it. Alora groaned at the beer barrel. It was dark, dark enough to hide her if anyone looked inside. But Alora would have to be fully submerged, she needed a way to breathe.

She looked for anything small, temporary to use. She only needed to breathe until she was on the menacing ship just outside her own. There was already a hole in the top of the barrel for her to stick something through, as long as it was dark enough to blend in. She thought and thought, then she was suddenly grateful for the brothers collecting useless items.

She made her way down the hall but heard footsteps. Voices ran through the floor like water. She slowed her pace, silenced her steps, and kept walking towards Jaces room. Once she reached his door she slipped inside. Alora rolled her eyes at the mess, knowing it will take forever to find what she's looking for. She kicked clothes on the floor, went through so many drawers, opened every box, and found nothing.

She paced the room, running out of time. The voices were louder overhead but Alora couldn't make out what they were saying. She had to think harder and faster. She looked over every inch of the room again and again. Until eventually her eyes stopped on a painting, the same time her heart momentarily stopped beating.

The hatch to the downstairs creaked. Alora swiftly took the painting down, revealing a box in the wall. It was locked and Alora struggled with one of her many knives. The first step creaked, and then the next. The third step made a cracking sound and before the stranger reached the next step, yelling consumed the air.

"Ay! Did I say you could go down there?!" "I-i was just going to look, sir." "Did I say you could look?" "N-no." "What?" "NO SIR!" "Then get your ass back up on the shitdeck and help move these boxes!" "Yes sir!" Alora released the breath she was holding once she heard the door close. She jammed her knife into the lock one last time and thankfully, it broke.

Alora immediately spotted what she was looking for. It was an olden-day pipe for smoking. It was old and fragile, easily breakable. Alora broke the big round part off so it was just the handle. She swiftly and silently made her way back to the barrel. For the first time in her life she prayed. She prayed she would not die today.


Alora Felt the barrel drop onto the floor. Even though she couldn't see anything she knew if she didn't get out soon, she would pass out, she would die in a barrel of alcohol. 'That is not an ideal way to die' she thought. She couldn't hear anything besides voices, so she was hoping the silence meant she was safe to get out. After a few more seconds of waiting she pushed the lid off. She peeked out and gasped for air once she knew she was clear.

'never again' is all Alora could think as she laid leaning over the edge of the barrel. She could already feel how sticky she was, how horrible she smelled. She closed her eyes to try and ignore it. After a few moments she pulled herself out and looked at the beer. 'would it be wrong if i drink that?' she scrunched her face deciding if it was worth it. It was.

Once Alora took a sip, or several, of the beer she decided she was ready to leave the room. The hall was dimly lit and full of cells. She wasn't surprised to discover skeletons and half rotting bodies in them. Her boots stuck to the floor as she walked. It was loud so she took them off and left them in the hall.

Footsteps kept sounding above her. Everytime she would try to make her way through the hatch, another pirate walked by. She waited and waited, until footsteps stopped at the hatch. Alora didn't feel panic, she couldn't. She stared up at the hatch as she kept her mind clear, thinking of a way through this. Another horrible idea came to Aloras strange mind.

She walked into a cell, one with a body most intact. She heavily sighed as she slid under a bed and turned the body to cover her own. The smell was awful. The squelching flesh started to merge with aloras red shirt. She looked anywhere to avoid eye contact with the corpse next to her. He only had dark holes for eyes but Alora still couldn't look. And finally the pirates entered the cellar.

They were looking through each cell, talking about each prisoner, each victim. They only had horrible things to say about each one. One of the men got to Alora's cell and stopped. "This poor bastard definitely got it the worst." "He deserved it for disrespecting the captain." "Does anyone deserve to have their eyes ripped from their head, and fed to themselves? And then minutes later having them ripped back out through their guts and thrown overboard?"

Alora closed her eyes at the details, imagining what would happen to her if she got caught. "You're not getting soft on us are you Miles?" The other pirate tightly gripped the boys shoulder. "No sir. I have nothing but respect for the captains decisions." "Good. Let's keep it that way." The two carried onward towards the room Alora was in previously.

Once Alora heard the door close she shoved the body out of her way. Fleshy goo stuck to her hands, and she knew she would smell like it forever. She wiped the goop on her pants and carried on towards the hatch. It was left open so she slowly climbed up. She looked around and listened. Every voice was at a distance, so she pulled herself up and headed towards the deck.

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